With a name like “newsjag” I would think you would be an expert! Anyway these are my favorites.
CWNews is news foremost with “comment capabilities” by the reader (I’m not sure if you have to subscribe to comment), there are also editorials and some larger reports. There are usually at least 8 - 10 new news items current on any given day. News is worldwide.
CatholicExchange has articles, homilies, daily scripture readings, some newslinks, etc. Lots of stuff. Lots of variety. No comments by readers possible. That is, no posting by readers, I guess you can always e-mail your opinions.
Catholicity also has limited news coverage, but will have the most recent Catholic-significant news covered and editorials/columns on current issues. There is not as much change from day to day as in the first two sites I mentioned. It also has links to other sites – good links to pro-life sites, columns by Father C. John McCloskey. Definitely worth looking at.
These are my daily hits. There are some good blog sites as well. I’d be interested to hear what others find interesting/useful.