Hello everyone. I attend a non-denominational Christian church and I have been dating a Catholic for over 6 months. Our relationship is going very well and we have talked about getting engaged. One of the main things we have to figure out before we make that decision is how to find a way to share into our relationship with God. We have been going to the Catholic Church together and sometimes to the church I attend. We still both feel more comfortable in our own churches, but we are trying to find a way to get closer to God together. The church I attend has beliefs very similar to the Catholic Church, therefore it is not a matter of difference in belief. I have two questions for those who are/have been in similar situations:
- How ca we find a way to connect and share in our faith in God without either of us giving up our church?
- How can we raise children together, without confusing them? We decided to baptize our children Catholic and raise them in the Catholic Church. However, we are having a hard time deciding to expose them to the non-denominational church as well. I also wouldn’t want them to wander why is mom going to a separate church sometimes, and why does she never take us?
I feel that the church should not be something that is a constant fight or struggle between my partner and me or between my children and me. If you are or have been in a similar relationship, please advise.