Catholic online community

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New member
hi, i wanna ask, do we have some kinda social media group such as whatsapp or LINE?

if there’s no, does anyone wanna join me to create a group on WhatsApp so we can interact with other Catholic people around the world and pray together and many other things?
are we not capable of “interact[ing] with other Catholic people around the world and pray[ing] together and many other things” right here on these forums that Catholic Answers so graciously provides for us?
i think it was a noble question. good on you.
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besides CAF (here) there are a number of Facebook groups.
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sorry for not responding, thank you but I barely have time to come on here. You should stay awhile here on the forum.
ok, maybe not many interested to make one
but in case anyone wanna make one, please inform me 🙂
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