Catholic Opinions on Government and Liberty

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Hey guys, I could really use your help. I’m applying for a job and one of the application questions instructs you to list 5 books or persons who’ve influenced your philosophical or ideological thinking about the role of government or liberty. I was hoping you might know of some good papal encyclicals (like Rerum Novarum, for instance), books or otherwise relevant material published or spoken by present or past Catholics, from an authentically Catholic perspective, that I could take a look at to hopefully better inform my answer. Thank you very much.
Check out:

  1. *]Centesimus Annus, by Pope John Paul II
    *]Quadragesimo Anno, by Pope Pius XI
    *]Pacem in Terris, by Pope John XXIII

    Of course, you should read and reference the Summa Theologica of St. Thomas Aquinas, particularly the First Part of the Second Part, foremost questions 90-108, which have to do with law. Article 4 or question 96 outlines the criteria for “unjust laws,” which may help in explaining the relationship of the state to its citizens.

    Let me know if you’d like other suggestions. Part of our Church’s beauty is her rich scholastic tradition; the resources are limitless!
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