Catholic pickup lines.

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Inspired in part by things in another thread I started, I submit these I found on Feel free to add your own!
  1. Nice bible.
  2. I would like to pray with you.
  3. You know Jesus? Hey, me too!
  4. God told me to come talk to you.
  5. I know a church where we could go and talk.
  6. How about a hug, sister/brother?
  7. Is it a sin that you stole my heart?
  8. Yeah, I predicted David over Goliath.
  9. You want to come over and watch the 10 commandments tonight?
  10. Do you need help carrying your bible? It looks heavy.
  11. Christians don’t shake hands; Christians gotta hug!
  12. Oh you are cold, Ecclesiastes 4:11.
  13. Did it hurt when you fell from Heaven?
  14. What are your plans for tonight? Feel like a bible study?
  15. I am here for you.
  16. You don’t have an accountability partner? Me neither.
  17. The word says “Give drink to those who are thirsty, and feed the hungry”; how about dinner?
  18. Would you happen to know a Christian man/woman that I could love with all my heart and wait on hand and foot?
  19. Nice braclet. What would Jesus date? I mean “do”. (Esther is ROTFL at this one!)
  20. Do you believe in Divine appointment?
  21. Have you ever tried praying at a drive-in movie before?
  22. (For the ladies) Excuse me, I believe one of your ribs belongs to me.
  23. My friend told me to come and meet you, he said that you are a really nice person. I think you know him. Jesus, yeah, that’s his name.
  24. You know they say that you have never really dated, until you have dated a christian.
  25. What? Friends listen to “Amazing Grace” in the dark.
And more, from Patrick Madrid:
(My favorites are 3 and 8).
  1. May I offer you a light for that votive candle?
  2. Hi there. My buddy and I were wondering if you would settle a dispute we’re having. Do you think the word should be pronounced HOMEschooling, or homeSCHOOLing?
  3. Sorry, but I couldn’t help but noticing how cute you look in that ankle-length, shapeless, plaid jumper.
  4. What’s a nice girl like you doing at a First Saturday Rosary Cenacle like this?
  5. You don’t like the culture of death either? Wow! We have so much in common!
  6. Let’s get out of here. I know a much cozier little Catholic bookstore downtown.
  7. I bet I can guess your confirmation name.
  8. You’ve got stunning scapular-brown eyes.
  9. Did you feel what I felt when we reached into the holy water font at the same time?
  10. Confess here often?
montanaman said:
9. Hi there. My buddy and I were wondering if you would settle a dispute we’re having. Do you think the word should be pronounced HOMEschooling, or homeSCHOOLing?

LOL!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I know a lady this line would work on 😉

🙂 Lilder
What’s a nice Byzantine rite Catholic girl like you doing in a liturgy like this?
“You’re kidding! Your favorite book is St. Thomas Aquinas’ *Summa Theologiae, *too!?”
What’s a nice Byzantine rite Catholic girl like you doing in a liturgy like this?

I am a Byzantine rite Catholic! Great line!
Sorry, I can’t ask you. I have to ask your father first.

Dating? Never, courtship’s the only way to go!
I don’t have any good ones but I just wanted to say that I really like these!
To be honest, if a guy told me one of these (well, with the exception of maybe a few), I would love it and seriously think he was super-sweet! 😃
I especially like the “rib” one and the “my friend Jesus told me…” and “I bet I can guess your Confirmation name!”
Wanna come to my house after Bible study? I’ll show you my 1938 edition of the Breviarium Romanum.
Hey, how bout them Angels?

howse about you and me checking it out to see if we could be evenly yoked?
Dating? Never, courtship’s the only way to go!
Werd!!👍 You got that right (and yes, I meant to spell werd that way!)

How about: "The sight of you could raise me from the dead any time! 😉 "

Yes?? Ah well, it was worth a try 😛

Sorry, I can’t ask you. I have to ask your father first.

Dating? Never, courtship’s the only way to go!
What’s the difference? I hear this a lot. I mean, I “date” but it’s chaste and with the intent of finding a wife. Would that be considered courtship?
What’s the difference? I hear this a lot. I mean, I “date” but it’s chaste and with the intent of finding a wife. Would that be considered courtship?
Maybe she meant “I have to ask my Father first” hehe :D, Lord knows I have (pun definitely intended :p)

“I am Catholic and available. How about you?”

Blunt and to the point! 😉
Oh, this would probably work for me - not that I ever want to need it!

“I’m Catholic, available, and think 12 is a good even number of children to have - wanna stay home to raise 'em?”

and my response to test for true sincerity: “Have you ever seen either of my favorite movies? “Yours, Mine & Ours” or the original “Cheaper By the Dozen”??? Let me introduce you to __, __, __, __, __, __, __!” If he can pass that little test - he’ll have a huge good start!
A good pickup line for a Lutheran would be “I would love to make a list of all the things I like you about you and nail it to your door.”

Or maybe not.
Originally posted by montanaman
4. I bet I can guess your confirmation name.
My mother heard a line sort of like this one when she was traveling in Italy in the 1960s.

“Your name must be Mary.” “Why?” “Because my name is Joseph!”

Not only is her name not Mary, his turned out to be Mario. :rolleyes:
A good pickup line for a Lutheran would be “I would love to make a list of all the things I like you about you and nail it to your door.”

Or maybe not.
when you start nailing things to their doors it is harrasment
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