**Does the Catholic Church believe that all, or most Jews have to return to Israel to Usher in, or to “bring about” The Parousia (judgment day), as Fundamentalist groups do? **
After observing my in-laws literature, their remarks about American foreign policy towards Israel, and Internet sites of Evangelical/Fundamentalist groups, I am finding they are recently (since 1947) obsessed with Israel. Many of these groups are currying much favor to Jews, Israel, and even in some cases paying for many of them (e,g, John Hagee Ministries) to leave Europe, Russia, Ethiopia or other places with Jewish populations, in my opinion in an attempt to “speed up” what they believe is a necessary element in their new-age theology of “raptural/millennialism.” This to me seems ridiculous as I: 1) Don’t believe in the rapture, and 2) Don’t think mankind would be able to “speed up” God’s plan even if it was true.
Here is the crux of the question: Does the Catholic Church believe the Jews have to return to Israel for judgment day to happen (I have heard some Catholic apologists elude to this, without any defined doctrine), and where would this be in sacred scripture?
After observing my in-laws literature, their remarks about American foreign policy towards Israel, and Internet sites of Evangelical/Fundamentalist groups, I am finding they are recently (since 1947) obsessed with Israel. Many of these groups are currying much favor to Jews, Israel, and even in some cases paying for many of them (e,g, John Hagee Ministries) to leave Europe, Russia, Ethiopia or other places with Jewish populations, in my opinion in an attempt to “speed up” what they believe is a necessary element in their new-age theology of “raptural/millennialism.” This to me seems ridiculous as I: 1) Don’t believe in the rapture, and 2) Don’t think mankind would be able to “speed up” God’s plan even if it was true.
Here is the crux of the question: Does the Catholic Church believe the Jews have to return to Israel for judgment day to happen (I have heard some Catholic apologists elude to this, without any defined doctrine), and where would this be in sacred scripture?
While I certainly to not condone any of radical Islam's militant actions, and I do believe in the necessity of a Jewish homeland, and that it should be Israel (if they can keep it), I absolutely do see a dangerous Evangelical/Fundamentalist-Protestant blind eye turned toward any inhumane actions done by the state of Israel. I have heard several conservative Jewish talk radio hosts speaking about their Evangelical brethren as if they are a tight-fisted team now. It strikes me as odd that we are certainly fighting all of Israel's enemies. I have heard my father in-law state that "Bush is not doing enough to bring about securing Israel, as he is supposed to according to scripture". - WHOA!