Catholic Presence on Social Media

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Hello! God Bless!

I seen so many Catholics being attacked daily on social media by other Christians. It is very disheartening and usually causes me to be angry. I try to pray for their souls, but many times I cannot hold my tongue. The conversations usually do not resort to any hateful speech, but you can tell the anger in the comments. I wish I was not as bothered by these comments as I am, and it is difficult to argue when both parties truly believe they’re correct and would die for their belief. I know I should probably just pray in private for them instead of engaging in arguments, but I have not done a very good job of that. I can tell when I am prideful in my comments and have been working on remaining loving over trying to prove anything. I started my own page specifically to quote information on topics from the catechism in hopes to just keep peace and avoid accidental false interpterion, but the constant hate for Catholics among the Christian community is tiring. Its definitely helped me grow exponentially in my faith as I hear of new topics I do not think about, but I fear of making their hate for the faith worse. As a young Catholic I enjoy using social media to grow in my faith by following Catholic pages that keep my mind and heart in check while scrolling through social media. I am wondering if I should simply delete all of my social media, but something in my heart keeps telling me that my information out there should remain.

How should one continue life in this ever evolving world? I worry that I may say something incorrectly and permanently hurt someone’s image of the church, but I do not think it is right to stay quiet about the truth.

Thank you for your time. Have a blessed day 🙂
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Hello and Welcome to the CA Forum @Sarah3!

It is completely nasty to see that fellow Christians attack the Catholic Church’s doctrines. The fact that we’re one with Christ and we should love each other as Jesus said. I also did the same thing on the internet and was undoubtedly afraid of doctrinal errors, which brings me here. You may want to have a copy of CCC and the Bible (NAB was preferable but any translations with you) to combat their mockery. Let’s keep on praying for our brothers and sisters, that God may enlighten them.
Thank you! I have always watched the forums, but never had an account!

Yes it nasty to watch the hate. I do use the CCC and I have NAB and NIV translations. It just seems impossibly daunting some days to keep up with their hate. I have even had a coven of witches attack me before. They all ended up blocking me when I called them out on their lies, but not before a long couple days of constant attack. That was the one time other Christians came to my aid, but you are so right. We are all brothers/sisters in Christ. Just wish I would not get so angry at times.
You’re welcome, Sarah!
I have even had a coven of witches attack me before. They all ended up blocking me when I called them out on their lies, but not before a long couple days of constant attack.
Jeez… Sorry to hear that! Just let 'em go.
Just wish I would not get so angry at times.
Hehe… I also wish the same thing 😂
I scroll past people.
I don’t react to individual comments.

I do, however, post inspirational Catholic and Christian messages to my feed.

Which people who don’t like are free to scroll past.
Hi Sarah, welcome to the forums.

As Scarlett said, I don’t waste my time on anti-Catholic comments. I’m not on social media to argue with people. It’s a big waste of time. If you have a problem with getting too involved with comments, then it might be good if you limited your time on social media, learned to scroll past the comments sections on sites you visit, or didn’t visit those sites where people argue with each other.

I post Catholic stuff on my own feed frequently. If someone else doesn’t like it they can hide the post just like I hide their 123522 posts about politics and other stuff I find boring or annoying. Many people, including some non-Catholics, don’t seem to mind my posts and even like some of them. Anyone who starts an argument with me on my own feed is immediately removed and blocked. Fortunately I rarely have to do this as people I know are generally respectful.
I scroll past people.
I don’t react to individual comments.

I do, however, post inspirational Catholic and Christian messages to my feed.

Which people who don’t like are free to scroll past.
I think we do better to set a good example in our own social media presence, than by arguing with others.
That’s not to say we shouldn’t correct misinformation when we see it. But we should do so charitably, and not be drawn into arguments. Which is, of course, sometimes easier said than done. 😉
I feel like some of us older people really didn’t understand how Facebook would play out.

Like, in my case, pre- Facebook, I had kept in contact with most of the people I like.

Then along came Facebook and I reconnected with people I hadn’t seen in years, and even strengthened or rekindled some friendships that had drifted away.

What I didn’t count on was that people change over time, they get more entrenched and even more nasty , even though they were all people I knew from “real life”.

They weren’t always the way I remembered them.

It’s a new way of relating.
Almost all my friendships for the last 20+ years started on social media. Usually if we get along for long enough I end up meeting the person in real life. But basically if I don’t like somebody’s social media presentation then I don’t bother with them.

I have a few people I knew from college, nobody from high school or earlier, and for the most part I don’t want anything to do with people from before college time in my life.

The only change I see over time is that some people become more politicized over time. Usually it seems like this is due to them having some kind of difficult or oppressive life situation so they somehow decide it must be the fault of some President or political party. I consider it somewhere between a coping strategy and a mental disease. In some cases, what they say makes sense (for example, somebody gets a major illness and suddenly becomes aware of all the problems with the US health care system) but a lot of the time it’s just a lot of pointless mental gymnastics, conspiracy theories and what not.
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That’s great that you do that. I try to scroll past but sometimes it gets the better f me. I scroll past if it’s on a Protestants post but I struggle when there are people attacking my posts or fellow Catholics. Good idea to just keep scrolling for all of them
That’s great that you’re able to make friendships out of Social media!! You’re right on that! People do seem to get way too many crazy conspiracies out there due to needing someone to blame.
I seen so many Catholics being attacked daily on social media by other Christians.
That even happens here on CAF, which is supposed to be our comfy home!
anyway when it happens, the words of Jesus comes to mind: when they hate you. remember they hated me first!
I feel that the use of FaceBook as social media should be just that, social. I do not use it to post my politics or religion. Perhaps you could try not responding to or posting religious comments and see how that goes. Also, hide those “friends” whose views clash with your beliefs. They only have as much power to bother you as you give them.
Yeah, and trust me, if someone is being rude and overbearing to you, they’re doing it to others as well, it’s probably how they are.
I just use facebook for selling/buying anymore. Its usually on instragram (very similar as its by the same company). It just seems sad to stay quiet out of fear. I really like seeing bible verses and catholic ran accounts on my feed because it helps draw another part of my life towards God. (Same with having a page of my own). Its just the hate of constantly being called satanic and nasty names and having witches come attack my stuff that gets old.
That is nuts! I would have never guessed. Maybe the fact they are on here will open their eyes (even if they don’t admit it right away). We can always pray theyll change before they pass.
Facebook has turned into an especially vehement mode of communication, since the March Covid shutdowns. Everyone is online more than usual. You are correct - it’s not right to stay quiet about the truth. I have experienced many times of having to blurt out facts to not very nice people, and then there’s the flurry of snide responses …
But a lot of the bad we are seeing acted out around us is the direct result of Catholics being silent in the face of Evil. Evil is totally emboldened now.
However, social media isn’t the real place to solve world problems. Allowing ourselves to get all ruffled is giving the other side victory, and destroys our peace. Probably moderation online is the best course. Bad ideas shouldn’t get to run rampant unchallenged. But we all need to focus on God’s voice most of all, and not get side tracked with the World too much.
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