Catholic school honoring pro-abortion official, pro-lifers plan protest
Chicago, Aug. 26, 2005 (CNA) - Yet another Catholic college has planned to feature a pro-abortion speaker at a large-scale public event. The Women’s Council of St. Ignatius College Prep will feature pro-abortion Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan at its 7th Annual Women’s Council Dinner Sept. 22.
Matt C. Abbott, a Catholic journalist and commentator from Illinois, reported that there was a scandal in 2004 surrounding another Chicago-area Catholic institution, Loyola University Chicago School of Law ,which had honored Madigan with an award.
Despite pleas from concerned Christians and even from Cardinal Francis George, Loyola refused to cancel the award, Abbott reported.
According to Abbott, “Madigan once pledged to close down Illinois crisis pregnancy centers, which she deems “phony”, because they do not offer abortions.”
Pro-lifers are urged to contact St. Ignatius College Prep president Fr. Brian Paulson, SJ, to voice their concerns at brian.paulson@ignatius.org
The Pro-Life Action League is planning a protest of the Sept. 22 event. For information, go to: www.prolifeaction.org
Chicago, Aug. 26, 2005 (CNA) - Yet another Catholic college has planned to feature a pro-abortion speaker at a large-scale public event. The Women’s Council of St. Ignatius College Prep will feature pro-abortion Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan at its 7th Annual Women’s Council Dinner Sept. 22.
Matt C. Abbott, a Catholic journalist and commentator from Illinois, reported that there was a scandal in 2004 surrounding another Chicago-area Catholic institution, Loyola University Chicago School of Law ,which had honored Madigan with an award.
Despite pleas from concerned Christians and even from Cardinal Francis George, Loyola refused to cancel the award, Abbott reported.
According to Abbott, “Madigan once pledged to close down Illinois crisis pregnancy centers, which she deems “phony”, because they do not offer abortions.”
Pro-lifers are urged to contact St. Ignatius College Prep president Fr. Brian Paulson, SJ, to voice their concerns at brian.paulson@ignatius.org
The Pro-Life Action League is planning a protest of the Sept. 22 event. For information, go to: www.prolifeaction.org