I am not sure if this post is appropriately classified, but can anyone point to some research on sexual activity among teens who attend Catholic school VERSUS teens who attend public school? I am trying to convince my husband of the importance of keeping our children in a Catholic educational environment through high school. Although there are many issues which we are considering, he seems to think that there would be no difference between Catholic schoolers and public schoolers on this one. (“We” currently home school the children, but are considering school for at least a couple of the children in the future.) Web sites, literature and opinions graciously accepted! Thank you for your (name removed by moderator)ut.
As the father of 7 grown sons (no daughters), and the product of Catholic schooling (mixed grade school, all boys high school, Jesuit college), I can only offer my opinions:
My sons attended public schools, some catholic schools, and the last three home schooling programs.
I removed two younger sons from public schooling after witnessing consistent lack of discipline and blatant public sexual attitudes (from language to contact). Teachers’ hands are tied…our own fault. I have no reason to believe anything has changed, other than to become more widespread to include teaching permissive values on morals, sex, etc.
They were home schooled until the last two years of high school.
The oldest three attended public high school… were passed from grade to grade with minimal expectations from teachers. All are relatively successful now, and all three “refuse to let their children attend similar environments”. Their concerns are for what friends are chosen, what subjects to learn are chosen (no basketweaving), how they spend their free time.
Homeschooling has come a long way…there are larger groups who share teaching (our parish is a center of 170+ home schooled kids… about a third meet twice weekly to group-learn. I realize this is not found everywhere… but it had to start small and grow.
My high school years (all boys - Catholic) was great for education… but I left the faith for 25 years at graduation. I learned first hand what Bishop Sheen said… “Attend a public school and keep your faith, attend a Catholic College, and you may lose it.” However, he meant that for the ones brought up weak in their faith.
So if your husband is willing to supplement (not just once a week) a public education with serious envolvment in Catholic teen activities, including who thier friends are… and willing to give an uncomprimising example as a Catholic adult… your kids will make it. If you are willing to send them to a good Catholic school and them leave what they learn at school… they will not make it.