Catholic School

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Not sure where to post this. Hopefully this is the right forum. I came across this blog post about Cathedral Catholic High School in San Diego:

Cathedral Catholic High School

A few things really got to me. How can they allow their football players to chant obscenities? How could that not scandalize the Church? And what about the Protestant teacher that is openly using his position to downplay the Catholic faith? He, allegely, goes to a Protestant website at the beginning of class to retrieve a Bible qoute and then puts a Protestant spin on it. In regards to confesson, he told his class he didn’t think it was necessary. If this is true this is truly sad. If I send my children to Catholic school I would not expect any of this.
If I might make a suggestion here, as one with experience in problematic Catholic schools: send your children to the public high schools and teach them their faith at home.
Looks like this school belong in Canada with mine-
I read/scanned through the thread and it’s truly depressing. Parents can’t even send their children to Catholic school and feel secure that they are getting an orthodox Catholic education. On top of that they are paying way more than what they did in the past when the sisters were the primary teachers. Now, in the U.S., it’s close to $1000 a month to send children to Catholic high school. And some of that is going to pay for non-Catholic teachers who are using the opportunity to attack that Catholic faith.
The cost of Catholic high school is so obscene. I have a 13 year old who is still a year and a half from attending HS. Our only Catholic high school in a 50 mile radius is over $9,000 a year. I am so torn about what to do.

As for CCHS, I watched the video regarding the football team and if the school hasn’t made any corrections or disciplinary action regarding that, I wouldn’t think twice about removing my child because clearly the environment isn’t what it should be,
We have a good Catholic grade school in our parish, but sometimes I think they need to read the books in the library before they allow them in. A friend said that her son was reading a book about world war 2, and it was telling about how the catholic church was backing the nazi’s.
And my son’s class once were reading or watching the left behind series, I can’t remember if it was the book or video.
But besides that I didn’t observe any faith issues at the school.
It is a rare school that is better than its parents (and in the case of a parochial school, its pastor and/or bishop), insist it be.

You can’t plunk down the money and expect the education, let alone the Catholic education, to automatically follow. You’re the principal for your child, his or her primary educator, and you have to keep tabs on it.

As for what’s going on in that school in San Diego, I don’t know. That is a matter for the parents and superintendent of Catholic schools to look into. From this distance, it is distressing hearsay.
Catholic high schools are great for one thing. A great college prep education. I am very thankful for my Catholic high school since I definitely had an advantage going into college and my gpa is at least a tenth of a point higher thanks to my catholic high school. I never got a B my first two years of college since my catholic high school was honestly harder than the vast majority of general education classes so they were easy As. That being said, my catholic faith weakened in my catholic high school. I have little to nothing to say good about the Catholicism aspect of my high school. The point is it is more than worth the money for the education so if you are lucky enough to find a catholic school that is also worth it for the Catholic faith then that is an added bonus.
I just noticed the CCHS post on Domus Dei has floated back to the “front page” on that site because of some comments that were posted this morning. It’s funny how someone can actually say that it’s alright to use foul language because they are just “children”. It’s not alright and the coach was right their next to them and said nothing. A poster even called the article bias against the Catholic Church…hmmm, don’t see poster reached that conclusion. Anyway, it always amazes me at what lengths some will go to to defend something that is obviously against Catholicism.

Here’s the link again to the article:

I am a parent of a sophmore at Cathedral Catholic. My husband and I have been quite pleased with CCHS overall, but it is not perfect. My daughter is very level headed and started that school with good faith formation. She loves the school and seems to steer clear of anything that would be against our faith. As far as those who feel public high schools are equal to Catholic high education, you are lucky in live where you do. Not the case here in San Diego.
If I might make a suggestion here, as one with experience in problematic Catholic schools: send your children to the public high schools and teach them their faith at home.
As parents we should be the ones to teach them the faith. I just want my kids to be in a place where there is less bad influences.
Believe me, there are far worse things going on in public high schools.
I showed Molly the site and here are her responses: The players who were on that video were punished (some were put on probation) There was in fact a school assembly about these incidents.

The math teacher is a former Protestant who is now Catholic. He does the quote thing to show the errors of the St. James version of the Bible.

She did not know a thing about the drama club. She pointed put that since these were on YOU-TUBE the administration might not know. It is certainly nothing they are teaching or endorsing.
She did not know a thing about the drama club. She pointed put that since these were on YOU-TUBE the administration might not know. It is certainly nothing they are teaching or endorsing.
Just so that you know here is the story behind the video. As found on Domus Dei by my friend David

“I am the one who had posted the “What Could Cameron Huntley Do” video on youtube. Just so EVERYBODY knows, the account “CCHSDrama” is NOT THE SCHOOL’S ACCOUNT. It is my personal account which I use to post PERSONAL videos, as well as school-related material. The only reason that the name is CCHSDrama is because I had made the account little over a year ago, with the intention to post only CCHS related videos. However, I had begun to post my own material. Now correct me if I’m wrong, but a YouTube account’s name cannot be changed, and I did not wish to start all over with a new account and spend hours uploading all my videos again. Cameron Huntley previously commented above that he had recorded this song just for his entertainment. It in no way meant to insult the school or its community. And for your information, I pulled this video from you tube just several days later.”

Hope this helps 🙂
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