nbccongress.org/features/prayer-for-healing.asp - another aid in evangelisation could be giving even the first page of this article, with the suggestion to read up the rest , looking same up , under the name of the priest .
Family healing is a topic that aouses interest of many and
there are possibly many who do not recognise the need for and power of repentance !
Such healing that The Lord can give us through Baptism and belonging to His household , to repent and ask for mercy even for generations past is a great grace and privilege of our faith and the best repenting is done by practicing Catholics in good standing, since they would have the deepest recognition of all the areas that need to be repented for !
We get to appreciate the power of the Trinitarian truth and the communal nature of the One God , in Three Persons , sharing all , thus , in turn helping us to share and bring the graces The Lord wants persons to have , through such repentance , on behalf of each other , trusting in the infinite merits of The Lord !
Such is what the Divine Mercy Novena is about too - of bringing persons , believers, nonbelievers , souls in purgatory , to His mercy - to the eternal timelessness of His love !
This is unlike other faiths, esp. the militant ones who advocate hatred for those who do not follow their dictates , since the concept of the sharing of graces is absent and all judged by the dictates of the law and treated accordingly !
The truth of the Trinitarian nature of God , revealed in the fulness of time, when The Father reveals Himself to us in The Son , who inturn , by the sending of The Spirit , enables us, of being able to do even greater things - and what else could be greater than being able to repent and thus free persons from enemy claims , to bring them into The Kingdom , by His merits and being able to love those who hate , by seeing them already in the merits of The Lord , for the peace that comes with it , letting The Lord be the judge as to whether they decide to accept His mercy , from the merits of His Passion or stay under the enemy claims in their lives !
Such essentail and diffrent facts of our truth and its practical application, in our role as the priesthood of The Lord need to be recognised and appreciated better by more , thus to pray more ardently !
Lots more persons , getting invloved in the mercy prayers and repentance , on behalf of even ancestors of many who are not able to do so for their own would be an act of mercy and powerful in hidden evangelisation , for they then would join their prayers on behalf of their descndants ,to help them to get to know the truth better or atelast be free from enemy induced lies and hatreds !
We already have such an army of saiints in heaven and angels to do so for us and getting the word out to places like nursing homes, to help them to know that their days can be thus spent in a precious manner could also be part of our efforts !