There is a pretty big population of Catholics in Japan.
I’m afraid that’s a little misleading. While
this article from 2005 notes that the Catholic population reached a million, it’s still dwarfed by a total population estimate of 127,433,494 in 2007 (from Wikipedia).
According to Wikipedia the population of Christians in Japan is 2,595,397, or 2.04% of the population. Wikipedia is not completely reliable but an article in the New York Times last year said that Catholics account for less than one third of one percent of the overall population and Christians overall make up less than one percent.
The NY Times arcticle is here:
On Japan’s Catholic Outposts, and is about a decline among old Catholic communities in a remote part of southwestern Japan. Please read the article, they are descended from the country’s first Christians who suffered persecution and they could use our prayers.
I’m afraid you might have some work to do. Try contacting the Japanese Catholic Center in Los Angeles. See if they can offer you any help. According to
this story The Japanese Catholic Center ensures that religious education, catechetical classes and spiritual formation are offered in Japanese and English.” Their website doesn’t work for me but here’s their contact information:
St. Francis Xavier Chapel, Japanese Catholic Center
Founded 1912
222 South Hewitt Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Voice: 213 626 2279
Fax: 213 628 1757
If you can’t reach them directly maybe you can contact them through the L.A. Archdiocese.
If not maybe search the website of Japan’s Bishop’s Conference:
Catholic Bishop’s Conference of Japan
You could try contacting a parish in Japan with an English language site. Maybe they can give advice:
St. Ignatius.
It has extensive links that might be worth investigating:
links page
I hope this helps!