Catholic vs. Christian

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I have a question for everyone. Whats the big difference between the Catholic Religon & Christian Religon? I once was turned down for a job at a marketing company because I am Catholic and the marketing company was owned by a Christian Church. I also had another job that was in “Web Development & Advertising” but the people there kind of looked down upon me. Come to find out a few months later that the company, it’s recording studio, even it’s diamond mine in africa was owned by a christian organization. I found this out when they were trying to “RECRUIT” me.

I am not to knowledgable on the Christian Religon. I thought Catholics & Christians were closely related?
One thing you should always remember is that Catholics ARE Christians, the first Christians as a matter of fact. Other Christians didn’t come into the picture until the reformation when Martin Luther left the church and took a bunch of his followers with him. They still believed in Christ, they just didn’t believe the same things about what Christ taught. It’s kind of like all squares being rectangles (squares have the same characteristics as rectangles), yet rectangles aren’t squares (rectangles don’t have all the characteristics of a square). All Catholics are Christian, but not all Christians are Catholic. For the people that were trying to recruit you, they were doing it because they think that they’re right, which they are in a way for following Christ, yet they’re not right for not being in his church. There is no salvation outside the church, UNLESS the person truly believes that the Catholic church isn’t the right church. If you do believe the Catholic church is the one true church, then you must join it to be saved from hell at the end.

God bless!!
Christian is a term used by anyone who believes that Christ was the Messiah and the Lamb of God. That it is by God we are saved and it was Christ’s crucifixion that brought salvation to us. This term is used by both Catholics and Protestants.

Catholicism refers to the Church which was founded by Christ upon Peter, the Rock. Peter established a diocese in Rome and was the first Bishop of Rome. His successor is refered to, among many other things, as the pope. Protestant Christians are those who “protested” against the authority of the Church at one time or another in the last 500 or so years I think.

Everyone who calls themselves Catholic would also call themselves Christian but not everyone who calls themselves Christian would call themselves Catholic.

Did I make this as clear as mud? 😉
Indeed this is becoming easier for me. My grandma (Who never misses church) has always told me that i’m Catholic and being Catholic, I am also Christian. And being when I said that to the person who turned me down for the job, their reply was “Christians are not Catholic!”. Now it makes sense.

So Christianity then came from the Catholic Religon, right?
Catholic or Christian?

The Church is Catholic.
The people in the Church are Christians.

The people outside it are (1) heretical Christians (2) heathens, or (3) atheists.

Note: The Christian individuals within the Catholic Church are sometimes referred to as “Catholics” to distinguish them from the heretics.
… their reply was “Christians are not Catholic!”. Now it makes sense.
In Norway, if that was their reason for turning you down, and especially if you got it in writing, you could probably sue them.
So Christianity then came from the Catholic Religon, right?
Historically, Christianity and Catholicism are the same, and for the first 1000 years AD, they were recognized as such.
But aren’t the laws that church and state are seperate here in the US? And since the companies were owned by churches the laws for that don’t apply. I also KNOW that the companies are owned by churches or christian organizations because when I went to file my taxes, I got no money from that job. When I complained that to the IRS lady on the phone, she said I needed to take it up with the company because they are exempt from taxes being that it was a ministry. Taxes suck, but when you don’t get noth’n back, grrrr…
Christian and Catholic are synonomous.

To be Christian meant to be Catholic for the first thousand years of Christian history. After that, the Orthodox split and called themselves by a different name – and Christians were Catholic and Orthodox. Fifteen hundred years after Christ, the first Protestant made his appearance – an ex-Catholic priest named Martin Luther.

Protestantism is a mere 487 years old.

The history of Christianity is the history of the Catholic Church.

Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn’t know history.

Here it comes. First, I would have sued for discrimination based on creed. What the heck. As far as those who say that Catholics are not Christians, “the ability to speak does not make one intellegent,” Qui Gonn Jenn
Can you say LAWYER and LAWSUIT! You don’t need a job, you just need that company to pay you not to work for them!

The Catholic Church was established by Christ in 33 A.D. All other churches were established later by men (and some women too! Even a little 14 year old boy for the Mormons too.)

Do not work for bigots, your better off.

Christians include the Catholic Church and all the protestant sects too. A Christian is just a name for one who follows the teachings of Christ. Some follow those teachings better then others and that is why we have over 33,000 so-called Christian sects outside Christ’s Church, His body, the Catholic Church. Mormons also consider themselves Christian too as do many other fringe groups.

See this link and type in ‘Christian’:


According to the dictionary Catholics, Baptists, Mormons, Methodists, etc. are Christian.

They didn’t hire you because they are were not following Gods Word. Good Christians are not bigots and do not discriminate against others. Jesus said to ‘love’ one another. What you encountered was clear and blatant violation of Christ’s teachings for which they will answer for on judgment day. Your only task left now is to forgive them and forget what happened (after you sue them of course and win tones of money with which to alms give to the Church!😉 ).

Anyway, seriously, forgive them and show them the love they failed to show you. This is what Jesus said to do. Shine your light on them and hopefully they will open their eyes and someday change their ways. Jesus said Christians will suffer for Him and you have proved Him right once again. Just be thankful your not in Iran, North Korea or other places where “Christians” like Catholics pay a much higher price for Jesus.😦

Pry for them and ask God to forgive them, it WILL make you fell better. (OK, Id still sue the shorts off of them too!:rolleyes: Get a wire and go back in! Is this my evil side showing or my American freedom and equality side? Does this mean the US is evil? Too many questions now. I’ll stop!:hmmm: )
Racer X:
The people outside it are (1) heretical Christians (2) heathens, or (3) atheists.
…thank you for not putting us into category #2. 🙂
that’s easy… We believe in one God,
the Father, the Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all that is, seen and unseen.

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
the only Son of God,
eternally begotten of the Father,
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made,
of one Being with the Father.
Through him all things were made.
For us and for our salvation
he came down from heaven:
by the power of the Holy Spirit
he became incarnate from the Virgin Mary,
and was made man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;
he suffered death and was buried.
On the third day he rose again
in accordance with the Scriptures;
he ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead,
and his kingdom will have no end.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son.
With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified.
He has spoken through the Prophets.
We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
We look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the world to come. Amen. 👍
Not to try to “win any points” here, but try reading Karl Keating’s “Catholicism and Fundamentalism.”

Many Christian Organizations are Fundamentalist in their beliefs, and there are major differences in opinion between the two. Although, I have to say, I am surprised they didn’t want to hire you - they do enjoy converting Catholics.
Well the fact that they didn’t want to hire me brings me to another point. I used to live in San Diego, it’s where I grew up. There are alot of “shady” dishonest people there. Most of them I knew to be christian. I did work for a christian company. It was a church that owned diamond mines in africa, a television studio, recording studio, web design & marketing firm, telemaketing company, model agency, cafes, etc. And not just locally, worldwide. A very large company is San Diego who I will keep nameless. The CEO was a Pastor and his employees were all from either mexico or africa and some from the chezk republic. I found them to lie, cheat, and steal in the intrest of their business’ and not being true to their ministries. I actually had some christians there who were locals like me and agreed with me that there are wrong doings going on. I have met alot of christians like this.

I am in NO WAY saying that ALL christians are like this. I made some friends out of the honest people there. They did not judge me and we could talk to one another about our beliefs openly. But it was the dishonest ones that sort of “condemned” me being a catholic. They did try to convert me. Even tried having me get married in their church instead of my own. But, like I said, San Diego can be a very “shady” place. I have seen christian organizations pop up so they could be Tax Exempt for their business’ which is what I think was happening with the company I worked for.
space ghost:
that’s easy… We believe in one God,
the Father, the Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all that is, seen and unseen.

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
the only Son of God,
eternally begotten of the Father,
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made,
of one Being with the Father.
Through him all things were made.
For us and for our salvation
he came down from heaven:
by the power of the Holy Spirit
he became incarnate from the Virgin Mary,
and was made man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;
he suffered death and was buried.
On the third day he rose again
in accordance with the Scriptures;
he ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead,
and his kingdom will have no end.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son.
With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified.
He has spoken through the Prophets.
We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
We look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the world to come. Amen. 👍
How cute . . . you posted a prayer!
But aren’t the laws that church and state are seperate here in the US? And since the companies were owned by churches the laws for that don’t apply. I also KNOW that the companies are owned by churches or christian organizations because when I went to file my taxes, I got no money from that job. When I complained that to the IRS lady on the phone, she said I needed to take it up with the company because they are exempt from taxes being that it was a ministry. Taxes suck, but when you don’t get noth’n back, grrrr…
Actually, Mik, i believe you can sue them for discrimination. If you can get a free consulation with a lawyer, you might try it.

By the way, all Catholics are Christian. They’re just bigoted against Catholics.
Ah, not worth the trouble. It was a year and a half ago that happened. I’m not really mad at them now (was then), just was confused a bit.
Catholics are Christians. It is the apostle Paul who described the faith as known in the whole world (the known world in their time), i.e., universal.

A funny thing is here in the Philippines, one can often chance upon resumes wherein a non-Catholic applicant would fill in “Christian” in the space intended for “Religion”. And yet, it is a known fact that their pastors would zealously declare “Religion can’t save you. Only Jesus saves.” and Rick Warren in the Purpose-Driven Life wrote “Chistianity is not a religion or philosophy.”

It’s quite amusing.
I think the Christian company that you speak of didn’t like the fact that you “obey” a man in Rome.

I think that is why Catholics are singles out a lot when the term “Christianity” comes up.

“Christians” follow Christ, and His teachings as per the Bible.
“Catholics” follow the Pope.

I say all of this in quotation marks to show it is what I believe people think, these are not my words.

Love Kellie
A funny thing is here in the Philippines, one can often chance upon resumes wherein a non-Catholic applicant would fill in “Christian” in the space intended for “Religion”. And yet, it is a known fact that their pastors would zealously declare “Religion can’t save you. Only Jesus saves.” and Rick Warren in the Purpose-Driven Life wrote “Chistianity is not a religion or philosophy.”
Wow what is Christiantiy if it is not a religion and philosophy of Jesus Christ? This one coomon misnomner dumbs down Christianity as to a friendship with Jesus. While that is something noble and something Catholics and all Christians should do. He is much more than a friend of a crutch. He is almighty God creator of heaven and earth the alpha and omega, the WORD made flesh, the greatest sage and wisest philosopher. Religion is essence is your worldview. WHen fundamentilist take a me and Jesus attitude they cut themselves off form having a worldview where their faith can interract with the world they create a dichotomy of my christian world and the evil world and never the two shall meet. They cut themselves off from fruitful dialogue from the secular world which they view as having no hope and the secular world views them as kooks. I am supprised that fundamentlist like Rick Warren do not see the weakness in their Buddy Jesus view of Christiantiy. Christinanity is not only a personal realationship with Christ (Yes that’s part of it) but a relationship with his church which is the body of Christ the billion member and visible Catholic Church.
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