Catholic Wedding Info/Websites

  • Thread starter Thread starter MistyF
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I’m looking for information on Catholic weddings, in regard to tradition especially. I did find a list of all of the info in the Catechism in regards to weddings, but I’m hoping to also find perhaps a website geared specifically toward planning Catholic weddings. Any suggestions?
My siblings and I had a string group (violins, violas, and cellos) and we played for many weddings, Catholic and otherwise. I especially enjoyed helping young Catholic women to plan a traditional wedding Mass that would be prayerful. When I got to plan my own wedding with my wonderful and faithful husband, we did a bit of research, but not too much was available online. My pastor gave us a book with readings to choose from, and the parish music minister gave me carte blanche because I am a musician, so we picked hymns from the St. Gregory hymnal and the old traditional favorites from the missalette. As far as a website, I have not been able to find any, but I will keep my eyes open. I did find a book helpful. I have since given it to my sister, so I don’t have it on hand, but it was published by the Daughters of St. Paul or the Paulist Press, and was titled something like “Preparing for Marriage”. I really liked it because it had checklists for the Bride, the Groom, and lots of little articles about married life, planning the Mass, and integrating the Faith with the cultural traditions.

I hope this is helpful. Also, my family plays for weddings in SW Pennsylvania, as well as lots of other gatherings. Ifyou know anyone interested in hiring a string group for a wedding, reception, or other special occasion, drop me a line 🙂

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