Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Holy Communion

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I’ve been told that Orthodox priests’ holy orders are valid. If that’s so, why can’t a Catholic who’s visiting an Orthodox Church take communion? Is that because they’re not in communion with Rome? I mean, isn’t the Sacrament valid all the same?
Because the Orthodox practice a closed communion and don’t permit Catholics to receive. We should respect that practice, as we expect other non-Catholic to not receive in a Catholic Church.
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In Latin, the word “communion” means “One-With” or “Union-With”. Right now, our churches are not in union with one another, so it’s not appropriate to act like they are (i.e. through cross-communing). Doing so would essentially be saying something that’s not true/real. Until the hierarchs decide otherwise, we have to respect their judgment and not think we know more than they do about this situation.
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Agreed. On a side note, I wish the people who constantly disparage the NO Mass and the reforms of Vatican II would keep that same thing in mind and stop thinking they know better than the Church leaders who took those decisions, ostensibly led by God, that led to the reforms.
If that’s so, why can’t a Catholic who’s visiting an Orthodox Church take communion?
The Catholic Church allows it,.

The Orthodox do not. It doesn’t have anything to do with the validity of their orders but with whom they allow to approach communion in their own churches.
Is that because they’re not in communion with Rome?
I mean, isn’t the Sacrament valid all the same?
The Catholic Church would say yes. But we respect the disciplines of the Orthodox Churches and they do not admit non Orthodox to communion under typical circumstances.
But we respect the disciplines of the Orthodox Churches and they do not admit non Orthodox to communion under typical circumstances.
Yes. I’d also add that we don’t allow our own people to commune under many circumstances (when they haven’t fasted since midnight / haven’t had a recent confession / etc.)
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other non-Catholic
It may simply be the way you worded this, but the Orthodox are not “non-Catholic” - they are schismatic Catholics.

The Catholic Church does not forbid receiving Communion in an Orthodox parish, but says that we should respect their laws governing it.

The Catholic Church will not forbid an Orthodox person to receive, but urges them to follow the laws of their Church. Meaning, in a given circumstance, an Orthodox who is not in mortal sin may receive. I happen to have first hand experience on that.
Sorry but that looks more like a snide note. Not at all related to the topic.
You think so? I did say on a side note. And it is relevant in that there are many lay folks who feel that they know better than the folks running things in the Vatican. But I apologize if my musing was offensive to you.
The Eucharist has everything to do with communion between Churches.

I’ll say this (I’m Orthodox by the way), I have a friend who is a Melkite Greek Catholic. He has a summer home and when he and his family are their they attend the local OCA parish because there is no Byzantine Catholic Church in the area (although there are a number of Roman Catholic Churches). He makes no bones about being Greek Catholic but has become part of the OCA community and communes there. Whether hierarchs feel that this is acceptable or not, I’m not sure.

A former ACROD bishop (I forget who) said publicly that he would not deny a Greek Catholic the Eucharist.

My Greek Orthodox Church would not allow a non-Orthodox to commune, even though our priest believes that Catholics have valid Sacraments. Same with our local OCA priest.

It just seemed a little strange to drag in a perception about ‘trads.’ After all, I didn’t see any remarks about how the progressives I.e. the German Churches, Womynpriests, Catholics for a Free Choice, and the many who argue for contraception (the supposed 97% of Catholics engaging in it), the 77% who do not believe in the Real Presence, etc. And who disparage the EF and make false claims about it and its adherents Should keep the above ‘in mind’, stop thinking THEY know better than the Church leaders who have been at pains to correct the manifold abuses over the last 50 years including poor catechesis, etc.

I mean, fair is fair.
I hope nothing I said about EF was disparaging; it certainly wasn’t meant to be. And I never said anything about “trads”, although I suppose they would be the majority of those who disparage the NO mass. There are fringe Catholic groups (Mel Gibson is part of one of those) who also disparage anything related with Vatican II. Please don’t mistake my intentions: I 100% respect the EF of Mass and I likewise support the NO. I just get frustrated that lay people so often feel like they know better than the Vatican. I wasn’t trying to single out traditionalists or say that they’re worse than anyone else. Many “mods” are disrespectful and poorly catechized when it comes to showing reverence in taking the Host (in the hand or on the tongue), believing in the True Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, among other things. Please accept my apology if my comment came across as attacking traditionalists. That was not the feeling behind it.
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