Hello again, all!
So as some of you might know, I’m an aspiring Catholic writer; currently I’m trying to write a story set in 1600’s Japan (yes, Tokugawa shogunate persecution era; no, I’m not trying to copy Silence). My main character happens to be a priest and a Japanese convert.
Now, one of my other main characters is a young Buddhist monk. Problem is, I know next to nothing about Buddhism except what I know from watching animes, and as you can imagine, I wouldn’t exactly call those reliable sources of information. The priest and the monk are good friends, and each is openly trying to convert the other. (Spoiler: the Catholic priest succeeds in the end.)
The long and short of it is, I’m looking for a book or number of books which will help me compare and contrast Catholicism and Buddhism (and, ideally, prove why Catholicism is right).
What I don’t want is an inaccurate representation of either religion or a “dialogue” book, by which I mean a book that waters down either religion to make it more “compatible” with the other. Both the priest and the monk are very devout, and, unlike many people in the modern era, have a firm grasp on the principle of non-contradiction: each thinks the other is wrong and is trying to save the other’s soul.
I didn’t post this in the non-Catholic religions area because I’m not interested in having the well-intentioned Buddhists on the site try to convert me (God bless them). I’m just looking for book suggestions. Any thoughts?
So as some of you might know, I’m an aspiring Catholic writer; currently I’m trying to write a story set in 1600’s Japan (yes, Tokugawa shogunate persecution era; no, I’m not trying to copy Silence). My main character happens to be a priest and a Japanese convert.
Now, one of my other main characters is a young Buddhist monk. Problem is, I know next to nothing about Buddhism except what I know from watching animes, and as you can imagine, I wouldn’t exactly call those reliable sources of information. The priest and the monk are good friends, and each is openly trying to convert the other. (Spoiler: the Catholic priest succeeds in the end.)
The long and short of it is, I’m looking for a book or number of books which will help me compare and contrast Catholicism and Buddhism (and, ideally, prove why Catholicism is right).
What I don’t want is an inaccurate representation of either religion or a “dialogue” book, by which I mean a book that waters down either religion to make it more “compatible” with the other. Both the priest and the monk are very devout, and, unlike many people in the modern era, have a firm grasp on the principle of non-contradiction: each thinks the other is wrong and is trying to save the other’s soul.
I didn’t post this in the non-Catholic religions area because I’m not interested in having the well-intentioned Buddhists on the site try to convert me (God bless them). I’m just looking for book suggestions. Any thoughts?