“Senator Kerry’s very first speech in the US Senate, when he pledged his unwavering support for the abortion industry, made it clear that he does not accept the most fundamental Catholic value; protecting innocent human life.”
“John Kerry has recklessly voted in opposition to even the most limited forms of restrictions on abortions, including partial birth abortion. He has vigorously opposed any effort to protect traditional marriage by voting against the Defense of Marriage Act and urging his constituents in the state of Massachusetts not to support an effort to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman in the state constitution.”
“Additionally, Senator Kerry has exploited the Catholic Church by staging a series photo-ops on Church grounds intended to give the false impression that he supports Catholic values”
“Senator Kerry’s very first speech in the US Senate, when he pledged his unwavering support for the abortion industry, made it clear that he does not accept the most fundamental Catholic value; protecting innocent human life.”
“John Kerry has recklessly voted in opposition to even the most limited forms of restrictions on abortions, including partial birth abortion. He has vigorously opposed any effort to protect traditional marriage by voting against the Defense of Marriage Act and urging his constituents in the state of Massachusetts not to support an effort to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman in the state constitution.”
“Additionally, Senator Kerry has exploited the Catholic Church by staging a series photo-ops on Church grounds intended to give the false impression that he supports Catholic values”