Catholics and Anglicans Playing Nice

  • Thread starter Thread starter masuwerte1
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We can’t have that. Quick, someone throw the first stone so we can get a good fight going in here!

I’m very cautious which Anglicans I might join with, and for what purpose.

You gotta watch those Anglicans.
I’m happy to pray every day that they merge back with our Church. In fact, I pretty much do.

St. Dominic Savio said England would be converted back to Catholicism after seeing it in a vision. It’s just a matter of time. And prayer.
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We can’t have that. Quick, someone throw the first stone so we can get a good fight going in here!

I’m very cautious which Anglicans I might join with, and for what purpose.

You gotta watch those Anglicans.
And the first stone thrown is by Anglicans at…,
The only thing that unites us is disagreeing with one another.
I’m Catholic work cleaning the local Anglican Church we get along fine it is possible lol.
St. Dominic Savio said England would be converted back to Catholicism after seeing it in a vision. It’s just a matter of time. And prayer.
Well, as far as church attendance is concerned, Catholicism is essentially the largest religion in England at this point.
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