Catholics and Careers

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So how is a Catholic to stay true to the faith in a secular career? This question is a result of a growing acceptance of gay marriage in society. I’m scared how potential coworkers or employers may react upon discovering our acceptance of the Church’s doctrine. Has anyone had to deal with this?

This subject especially scares me because outside of working for the Church, which still does appeal to me, I’m drawn to careers in which the majority of employees are liberal. I worry that the Church’s teaching on gay marriage could result in a loss of respect amongst my coworkers or me being fired. Maybe these are non issues and I’ve just accidentally exposed myself to the wrong things. Still I can’t help but being worried. This has caused me to have a strong desire to reject the Church’s teaching in this area. I won’t actually do so because I know that the Church derives its authority from God and that doing so would mean excommunicating myself. That’s not a path I’m willing to walk, but that doesn’t take away the temptation and struggle.

I understand the sentiment behind this post, but in reality, we can’t have it both ways –

what I mean is how many posts are posted by people who are declaring over and over again there loyalty,their love, their lives to the faith and then run like scared rabbits the moment they encounter any anxiety, confrontation, and pushback because of their faith.

Our faith is the way THROUGH LIFE, not the way to AVOID LIFE. If you want to avoid suffering, do not choose to follow Jesus. If you want to be respected by the world, do not go to church on Sunday and follow the teachings of the church.

If you want to play it safe, don’t stand for anything. Even those who march for gay marriage are at least taking a stand.
I guess we should sacrifice for everything we stand for.
It sounds like you are trying to think about the future and your concerns are legitimate. It is true that there are some places you could work where your faith would place you in conflict with other employees and perhaps your supervisors. I have been retired for a while but I did encounter some of this when I was still teaching and I can tell you that there will be challenges. But, I also know that even among the people you attend church with there are dissenters with the Church’s teachings, you may just not know it yet. The real choice that you have to make is whether or not you will live your faith, you will defend your faith and you will be ready to accept the consequences of those decisions as you move through life. Throughout history people have been persecuted for their beliefs and yet they continued to stand firm because they believed in what they were doing and knew God would take care of them. You have to decide your path and follow it with courage. I will pray for you to find the way.
I work in a secular job, I’ve had a gay supervisor for several years and previous ones also. Aside from being hit on once, I’ve had no problems.
She :What would you do if I asked you for a kiss?
Me: I’d spit in your eye.

That wasn’t very charitable and would probably get me fired now, but it was a few years ago.

Now, the subject doesn’t come up. The only thing that has come up is a coworker’s plan to bring a ouija board as part of Halloween decorations. Three of us Christians brought up our concerns, and the idea was scrapped.
If you work in a civilized environment, you should be able to avoid the situation. Nobody should go around discussing their love life at work, it’s considered tacky.
I work in a secular job, I’ve had a gay supervisor for several years and previous ones also. Aside from being hit on once, I’ve had no problems.
She :What would you do if I asked you for a kiss?
Me: I’d spit in your eye.

That wasn’t very charitable and would probably get me fired now, but it was a few years ago.

Now, the subject doesn’t come up. The only thing that has come up is a coworker’s plan to bring a ouija board as part of Halloween decorations. Three of us Christians brought up our concerns, and the idea was scrapped.
If you work in a civilized environment, you should be able to avoid the situation. Nobody should go around discussing their love life at work, it’s considered tacky.
What your supervisor did fell under sexual harassment and he could have been fired for it (at least had he been a heterosexual. It’s my experience that there is a double-standard when it comes to homosexuals committing sexual harassment. ).
Thanks for the replies; they were helpful. I’m willing to stand by my faith. At the same time, I know my weaknesses and that’s why I came hear. I felt I’d get good advice that would give me strength.

If the issue is never brought up, I’m sure I’d be fine. Even if it was I wouldn’t be bothered. My concern is that I’d be directly asked what my opinion was, or put into a position where it becomes relevant. But if I had a gay coworker who talked about his/her relationship I wouldn’t have a problem. Not that I’d approve, but that doesn’t make me uncomfortable.
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