Yesterday I was talking with some family members who are evangelical and we got talking about our differences. I need help in answering some of his questions:
- I pointed out that Catholocism is the one true church started by Jesus Christ himself. He said, that it was started by Christ, but that it got tainted with druid practices. He said our mass is very similar to the druids. I have no idea who the druids are what their practices were, can anyone help explain and provide me with ways to support the Catholic church?
- He said that transubstantiation is wrong. That Jesus cannot be re-sacrificed. That when He was on the cross and said “It is finished.”, it truly was finished, and that if we believe in transubstantiation, we are going against scripture. He went so far as to call it cannabalism! I brought up in scripture where Jesus is telling His followers that they must eat His flesh and drink His blood, that many of them turned away from Him and “followed him no more.” But this wasn’t good enough, because he said that later on in the same passage, the bible says that the followers didn’t even ask if he meant it literally or symbolically…
- He said our focus on the tabernacle is wrong, because Jesus is alive in all of us. Not hidden away someplace. So, can we scripturally support this?