A few observations:
Catholics, like all other human beings, have always decided for themselves. Sometimes those decisions are right and just and moral, no matter who makes them. Sometimes they are not. There is nothing new or particularly newsworthy in that.
The list of behaviors and practices is interesting. It might be supplemented with things like -
- Stealing is commonplace;
- Adultery has been going on for a long time;
- Lying is an everyday fact of life; etc.
Although a “lifelong and practicing” Catholic, this individual seems to have been duped into buying the old calumnies about the Inquisition, the Crusades, and the Holocaust. It’s a wonder Gallileo was left out.
It’s helpful to remember Saint Paul’s analogy of the Church as the Body of Christ. A body has many members, and sometimes illness or injury afflicts one or more members of the body. The eye can be blinded, an arm may become paralyzed, an infection can enter the body and cause much suffering. When this happens to one we love, does our love diminish? Do we not do all in our power to help the body heal? How much more, then, will the Divine Physician do for His bride?
Please pray for those who, like this individual, allow the present trials to tempt them to discouragement, despair, or opportunism.