Catholics Around The World

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Catholics Around The World
catholicsaroundtheworld . org
All Catholics are welcome to join and communicate with other faithful Catholics. We have a forum, groups for different interests and blog writers. It is completely free to use. It is a growing site right now and there are faithful Catholics on there. You can create a profile and direct message other users. There is a “Single Catholics” group on the site where users can communicate with other single Catholics through messaging. It will always be a free to use site. You can connect with other faithful Catholics around the world. Reach out to me with any questions you have or follow on social media. I believe that it can be a great site if anyone wants to join.
Thank you
Could anyone share this with others before this forum site closes down? My main goal with CATW is to have it be a positive online community for faithful Catholics. That is what it has been so far, so I would like to keep it a positive place to be and lead others closer to God.
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Now, why would I be intereshted in a Forum that’s less than a month old, hidden behind login screens, and advertishing on another forum?
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I also think privacy of the members is important, so that’s why the only thing public on the site is the blog. Members can use all of the features and join and create groups and contribute to the forum. Also, single Catholics can join the “Single Catholics” group and meet others. You can direct message and group chat on the site. God Bless
How will your website generate the necessary funds to stay online?
Ok, thank you, I would have to look into that. I’m not completely sure what it is. I’m not sure how many users we will have eventually, but I just want to make sure it stays a positive site for the people who have joined so far.
Sounds interesting :slightly_smiling_face:I hope it goes well for you…I might take a look…
I also think privacy of the members is important, so that’s why the only thing public on the site is the blog. Members can use all of the features and join and create groups and contribute to the forum. Also, single Catholics can join the “Single Catholics” group and meet others. You can direct message and group chat on the site. God Bless
You have a nice name but I am curious…how international are you, actually? I am European and this forum was extremely disappointing in being so United States-centric.
Thank you, right now there are only 83 members. I have been reaching out to all parts of the world. Today I will email Catholic churches in Europe. It’s a lot of emails to send out, but I’m working my way around the world with it. It’s actually split right now between US and other countries. I think there are members from 17 different countries right now. The name does help to appeal to gaining a larger user base world wide. What are the best places to reach out to where you are? I would like to get people from the same area where members are joining. There are members from Europe on there now though and some in the singles group. Thank you
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See yall there! I was sad when i heard this site was shutting down
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