Have any of your ever heard this? Instead of saying ‘Catholics are Christians’, I’ve heard Evangelicals say ‘Catholics can be Christians’. If you’ve head this remark before, what do you say?
That Catholics are Christians. And that Christians can be Catholics. They’re backwards.If you’ve head this remark before, what do you say?
Ask him how he defines a Christian? Perhaps by his definition we are not. But it’s very hard to take a definition and hold to it. You’ll have to test him thoroughly with examples to see.Have any of your ever heard this? Instead of saying ‘Catholics are Christians’, I’ve heard Evangelicals say ‘Catholics can be Christians’. If you’ve head this remark before, what do you say?
Evangelicals can be christian too. And actually I’m not kidding. Met one the other day, great guy, had a nice long talk for 4 hours. Billy Graham is one of the best protestants out there. I wish more evangelicals were like him instead of the rest of them.Have any of your ever heard this? Instead of saying ‘Catholics are Christians’, I’ve heard Evangelicals say ‘Catholics can be Christians’. If you’ve head this remark before, what do you say?
I have heard it. I don’t say anything 'cause I don’t think I could say anything chairtably which would really go against the grain (as I see it). If anyone knows of anything that wouldn’t come off as “I am going to wait for you on the playground!” I would love to hear it.Have any of your ever heard this? Instead of saying ‘Catholics are Christians’, I’ve heard Evangelicals say ‘Catholics can be Christians’. If you’ve head this remark before, what do you say?
I really think it depends on your definition of Christian. Most people using the phrase “Catholics can be Christians” probably define Christian along the lines of someone trying to follow Christ. Therefore, Baptists CAN be Christians, Lutherans CAN be Christians, Methodists CAN be Christians etc, etc… and some in those groups may not be Christians as well.Have any of your ever heard this? Instead of saying ‘Catholics are Christians’, I’ve heard Evangelicals say ‘Catholics can be Christians’. If you’ve head this remark before, what do you say?
But the Pope being the Antichrist…Not so uncommon.While they may have some issues with Catholic theology, they probably don’t see her as the Whore of Babylon or anything idiotic like
The church has always been in a spiritual battle and will be until Christ comes. In the parable of the sower we can see the church will be attacked by evil from within and without. Satans attacks never cease.I’ve heard this all my life! Only this Thanksgiving my elder brother was saying :Well, the Catholics, I guess they are still Christian but just barely for now" Now? Argh! He’s one of those I haven’t told that his baby sister is coming into the Church this Easter Vigil.
How did we suddenly get from being the first Christians to being “Not Christians?” What’s this “False Gospel?” From what I have studied , Catholisim teaches the True Gospel. :banghead: Sorry, but I’m getting rather tired of this “we’re not Christian” ect.
Argeh! Thankfully, only 23 more days till we cross the Tiber!
I say, “Thanks for allowing me to be welcomed!” Then I would go on to say something like, “…but where’s that in the Bible? You are implying that one has to express some type of authority to make such a claim. So, by what authority do you make this claim?”Have any of your ever heard this? Instead of saying ‘Catholics are Christians’, I’ve heard Evangelicals say ‘Catholics can be Christians’. If you’ve head this remark before, what do you say?
I’d counter that Catholics are the only ones who fully can be Christians; the only ones who can fully have a true and perfect “relationship with Christ.”Have any of your ever heard this? Instead of saying ‘Catholics are Christians’, I’ve heard Evangelicals say ‘Catholics can be Christians’. If you’ve head this remark before, what do you say?
When most evangelicals say “Christians,” they mean what Catholics mean by “in a state of grace.” Thus, the statement “Catholics can be Christians” means “Catholics can have a right relationship with God and be in a state of grace.” It’s not a statement with which Catholics have any reason to take issue substantively, though the way in which it is put is rather patronizing. The corollary, “some Catholics are not Christians,” simply means “not all Catholics are in a state of grace,” which is uncontroversial (and yes, evangelicals would say the same of Protestants).Have any of your ever heard this? Instead of saying ‘Catholics are Christians’, I’ve heard Evangelicals say ‘Catholics can be Christians’. If you’ve head this remark before, what do you say?