Catholics Evangelizing Catholics: The Poorly Catechized

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After reading catholic forums for several years now and talking with friends and family, their seems to be a disconnect between what the Church actually teaches and what the faithful actually believe. This is the beginning of an attempt to correct our own misunderstandings. I’ve put together several questions that I think are some problem areas and am asking for your help. The plan is to survey my local parish in an attempt to clear up Church teachings, but the question is, what should I put in the survey? *If you know of, have been part of, or have heard of any misconceptions within the Catholic Church, please post them… *(RC’s and ex-RC’s only please!)

Example survey questions:
Are you saved or are you going to heaven?
A) Yes, because I’m a good person and do good things for others.
B) Yes, because I believe in Jesus. John 3:16
C) I hope to, but that depends upon the grace of God.
D) Not sure

What is the Immaculate Conception?
A) The birth of Adam and Eve.
B) The birth of Jesus.
C) The birth of Mary.
D) Not sure

More possible questions:
Are you saved or are you going to heaven?
Does it matter which church/denomination you belong to?
What is purgatory?
Do we, as Catholics, worship Mary?
Does Mary perform miracles?
What is the Immaculate Conception?
What is worship?
Did Jesus claim to be God?
Can we know without a doubt we are going to heaven?
What’s the difference between veneration to Mary and worship of God?
Why should I give to the Church, it already has enough money?
Where does our local priest responsibility end and where does ours begin?

Thanks and Peace in Christ!
After reading catholic forums for several years now and talking with friends and family, their seems to be a disconnect between what the Church actually teaches and what the faithful actually believe. This is the beginning of an attempt to correct our own misunderstandings. I’ve put together several questions that I think are some problem areas and am asking for your help. The plan is to survey my local parish in an attempt to clear up Church teachings, but the question is, what should I put in the survey? *If you know of, have been part of, or have heard of any misconceptions within the Catholic Church, please post them… *(RC’s and ex-RC’s only please!)

Example survey questions:
Are you saved or are you going to heaven?
A) Yes, because I’m a good person and do good things for others.
B) Yes, because I believe in Jesus. John 3:16
C) I hope to, but that depends upon the grace of God.
D) Not sure

What is the Immaculate Conception?
A) The birth of Adam and Eve.
B) The birth of Jesus.
C) The birth of Mary.
D) Not sure

More possible questions:
Are you saved or are you going to heaven?
Does it matter which church/denomination you belong to?
What is purgatory?
Do we, as Catholics, worship Mary?
Does Mary perform miracles?
What is the Immaculate Conception?
What is worship?
Did Jesus claim to be God?
Can we know without a doubt we are going to heaven?
What’s the difference between veneration to Mary and worship of God?
Why should I give to the Church, it already has enough money?
Where does our local priest responsibility end and where does ours begin?

Thanks and Peace in Christ!
After reading catholic forums for several years now and talking with friends and family, their seems to be a disconnect between what the Church actually teaches and what the faithful actually believe. This is the beginning of an attempt to correct our own misunderstandings. I’ve put together several questions that I think are some problem areas and am asking for your help. The plan is to survey my local parish in an attempt to clear up Church teachings, but the question is, what should I put in the survey? *If you know of, have been part of, or have heard of any misconceptions within the Catholic Church, please post them… *(RC’s and ex-RC’s only please!)

Example survey questions:
Are you saved or are you going to heaven?
A) Yes, because I’m a good person and do good things for others.
B) Yes, because I believe in Jesus. John 3:16
C) I hope to, but that depends upon the grace of God.
D) Not sure

What is the Immaculate Conception?
A) The birth of Adam and Eve.
B) The birth of Jesus.
C) The birth of Mary.
D) Not sure

More possible questions:
Are you saved or are you going to heaven?
Does it matter which church/denomination you belong to?
What is purgatory?
Do we, as Catholics, worship Mary?
Does Mary perform miracles?
What is the Immaculate Conception?
What is worship?
Did Jesus claim to be God?
Can we know without a doubt we are going to heaven?
What’s the difference between veneration to Mary and worship of God?
Why should I give to the Church, it already has enough money?
Where does our local priest responsibility end and where does ours begin?

Thanks and Peace in Christ!
Question 2 is none of the above.
Hi there JT -

One question you could ask is that of the Real Presence in the Eucharist. I was speaking to my niece who is a CCD catechist in her local parish. I asked her what she thought the Eucharist was. Her answer: a symbol of the Body of Christ! I nearly dropped dead right there!

And she was teaching this to Catholic youth! Let me say that we had a discussion about it!

I say look to the basics, definately. Make sure those are correct before looking to Marian and other doctrines.

Jack, a timely post on your part. I just pitched our Dir. of Education at the parish the idea of beginning a Catechism reading/discussion/study group.

I’ve done this sort of thing with very good results but not within the Church.

There’s much to be said for “lists” and “quizzes.” But something very good can happen when folks gather each week and begin reading aloud and discussing/sharing their thoughts and experiences on the matter at hand.

The flow of information somehow gets coupled more easily and effectively to us to seek to live and demonstrate it. Or so it seems to me. A different sort of thing takes place that seems absent to me when the approach is “Okay, we got to know this, this, this, and that.” And I know my characterization is unfair in many cases. In some cases, that’s exactly what is called for.

I don’t hold out grand hopes for my suggestion being adopted. But I do think that amongst some Catholic friends, they might be well interested to pursue a reading of Catechism nonetheless. Everyone shows up with their Catechism, Bible, and pencils.

Great for adults with a fire in their belly to know and who want to experience discovering more the deposit of faith.
One question you could ask is that of the Real Presence in the Eucharist.
Excellent question! I’ll make sure to use it in the survey because your right, there are too many of us that don’t see it as the body and blood of our Lord.

Peace in Christ Subrosa…
the most important question of all:
Is the Eucharist the actual Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ or just a symbol?
Jack, a timely post on your part. I just pitched our Dir. of Education at the parish the idea of beginning a Catechism reading/discussion/study group.

I’ve done this sort of thing with very good results but not within the Church.

There’s much to be said for “lists” and “quizzes.” But something very good can happen when folks gather each week and begin reading aloud and discussing/sharing their thoughts and experiences on the matter at hand.

The flow of information somehow gets coupled more easily and effectively to us to seek to live and demonstrate it. Or so it seems to me. A different sort of thing takes place that seems absent to me when the approach is “Okay, we got to know this, this, this, and that.” And I know my characterization is unfair in many cases. In some cases, that’s exactly what is called for.

I don’t hold out grand hopes for my suggestion being adopted. But I do think that amongst some Catholic friends, they might be well interested to pursue a reading of Catechism nonetheless. Everyone shows up with their Catechism, Bible, and pencils.

Great for adults with a fire in their belly to know and who want to experience discovering more the deposit of faith.
Thanks Richard. And your right, the Catechism needs to be brought into it. The purpose of my survey is to get a starting point for ‘joe six pack’ to be able to go deeper into our faith.
I’ll make a modification to the previous post.

Do you know that what you receive in Holy Communion is the Body,Blood, Soul & Divinity of Jesus Christ?


Do you know what transubstantiation means?
What is the Immaculate Conception?
A) The birth of Adam and Eve.
B) The birth of Jesus.
C) The birth of Mary.
D) Not sure
Just to get technical (:)), the Immaculate Conception is about the conception of Mary, not the birth of Mary. That’s why the two feast days are nine months apart! 😉

I think you have an excellent idea. I noticed that none of your questions pertain to morality. That is often the area where there is the most confusion. Some questions for that area might be:
  • What is the difference between a mortal sin and a venial sin?
  • Which type of sin must we confess in the Sacrament of Confession before we are able to receive the Eucharist?
  • Can you receive the Eucharist when you are in a state of mortal sin?
  • What are the three things that make a sin “mortal”?
  • Is it a sin to use artifical contraception?
  • Is abortion a sin?
  • Is divorce and remarriage a sin?
  • Is sex outside of marriage a sin?
  • Is homosexual activity a sin?
  • Is it a sin to have a homosexual orientation?
  • Does the Church hate gay people?
  • What is the Church’s teaching on embryonic stem cell research? Adult stem cell research?
  • What does the Church teach about in vitro fertilization?
  • What does the Church teach about cloning?
  • What does the Church teach about capital punishment?
  • What does the Church teach about the possibility of a “just war”?
  • Does everyone go to heaven? Is it possible to go to hell?
I’m sure there are plenty more, but you get the idea! 🙂
I already replied to the same thread in the evangelization forum, but I just wanted to state again here that it might be good to have some questions on the Church’s moral teaching (abortion, fornication, masturbation, cloning, contraception, capital punishment, just war, homosexuality, etc.)
This is the main purpose and mission of Saint Michael’s Media - an apostolate dedicated to helping Catholics and non-Catholics as well, to “Overcome the Darkness” - the darkness of misunderstanding, misinformation, and poor catechesis.

If you have not done so before - Check us out in the link in my signature!!

(Question 2)
What is the Immaculate Conception?
A) The birth of Adam and Eve.
B) The birth of Jesus.
C) The birth of Mary.
D) Not sure

Question 2 is none of the above.
Jack I suggest you make sure you have your own answers correct too before you go on this quest 😃

To answer this question correctly it would be the conception of Mary without original sin. This is an easily misunderstood doctrine because we are not familiar with the words just like what is the difference between the Ascension and the Assumption? One has to do with Jesus, one with Mary.

Aren’t you glad you have those of us here on the CAF to correct you ;).

I know there are places on the 'net where you can take these quizzes and I as a pretty knowledgeable Cradle Catholic can generally get all but maybe one of the questions right (usually one that is worded poorly or I hit the “return” key after accidentally selecting the wrong answer - technology, I have a love/hate relationship with it and most things I work with business wise are more forgiving and have built into the program a ‘question’ of “is this really what you wanted to do?”)

So, where do you want to present these questions and answers so Joe Sixpack will take the quiz? Do you want to put them in say, a Sports Magazine? Or the Sports section of a local newspaper? You have to get them to the audience you are targeting 🙂

Brenda V.
Hi there JT -

One question you could ask is that of the Real Presence in the Eucharist. I was speaking to my niece who is a CCD catechist in her local parish. I asked her what she thought the Eucharist was. Her answer: a symbol of the Body of Christ! I nearly dropped dead right there!

And she was teaching this to Catholic youth! Let me say that we had a discussion about it!

I say look to the basics, definately. Make sure those are correct before looking to Marian and other doctrines.

Yikes! I gotta know – what was her response??

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