I would like to find information on solid Catholic groups helping people leave cults. I don’t want to rely on an internet search because that would not tell me if the group promoted beliefs in communion with the Magisterum.
Thanks to Harry Potter as well as fantasy literature/anime, my daughter’s high school has a strong and growing Wiccan and neo-pagan influence. I would like to find cult intervention specialists that can provide me with information on how to wean her from this or, if necessary, provide counseling. Since we live in the NW, even organizations located in British Columbia would be helpful.
Thank you and God bless,
Thanks to Harry Potter as well as fantasy literature/anime, my daughter’s high school has a strong and growing Wiccan and neo-pagan influence. I would like to find cult intervention specialists that can provide me with information on how to wean her from this or, if necessary, provide counseling. Since we live in the NW, even organizations located in British Columbia would be helpful.
Thank you and God bless,