Catholics must announce and witness to the Gospel, instructs Holy Father (CNA)

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“All evangelizing activity springs from a threefold love: for the Word of God, for the Church and for the world. … Through Sacred Scripture Christ makes Himself known to us in His person, His life and His doctrine.” Hence, said Benedict, bishops must “facilitate the access of all faithful to Sacred Scripture so that, placing the Word of God at the center of their lives, they may welcome Christ as Redeemer and His light may illuminate all areas of human existence.”
Amen! Preach it, Holy Father!😃
Now more than ever we need to be witnesses to our faith because the secular world is doing everything humanly possible to drown out our voices and our examples.

Blessed Mother, intercede for you.
It often feels, here in the UK, that political correctness and diversity have taken over to the extreme. Our government would rather prosecute and condemn those who offend the non-Christian in our society. It seems that everyone has rights to opinion and belief EXCEPT those of Christian faith. Some local councils have gone so far as to ‘ban Christmas’ preferring to opt for more diverse “winter celebrations” for fear that they offend any non-Christians!!! If you dare to point out that the bible clearly condemns homosexuality, promiscuity or fornication, then you are being homophobic / not respecting people’s choices! Where will this lead? How long until we are condemned for opposing murder???

We often question: Why are family values diminishing? Why have the young no respect? When did we become a self-obsessed race with no value in community? Is it coincidence that such values are diminishing in correspondence with faith and Christian values?

Is this the beginning of the end?

I am thankful that the Holy Father has raised this issue. Are we not implored as disciples of Christ to spread the good news? It makes sense to me that this should be the very essence of Catholic faith. The church, founded by Christ, was established for a purpose - to share the gospels so that everyone can hear, believe and be saved! What use is the Church if, when it comes down to it, we are too weak to proclaim the good news beyond the safety of the church walls?
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