This is a bit extreme. Do I have to join the Protestants in order to be with people who have courage to say that Islam is an evil?
I know some people like to blame Western imperialism for every thing bad that happens in the non-christian countries.
However, Muhammed lived in the 7th century and that is when he tried to make an Islamic state, used the sword litterally to slay his opponents, had severel wives (one was only 9 when he slept with her). He is the role model for every serious Muslim and the non-muslims and women in the Islamic world pay an often heavy price in this sick ideological system. Look eg. at Yemen, Palestine, Pakistan, Irac, Saudi Arabia or Somalia.
You can say it’s a Protestant idea only, but then you are simply not educated. I urge you to study the Quran and the Hadith. The Church has always, at least theoretically, stood up against false ideologies and destructive world views. And it has passed on the Word of God that there is only found salvation in the name of Christ, and that we all have a command to evangelize.
Let us call Islam what it is, a totalitarian system that has countless victims wherever its held by the majority. Study the sharia… that is a part of true Islam whether you wish it to be or not. (I am not talking about muslims who don’t take their faith seriously at all) Even in Europe Jews are fleeing because of Muslim immigrantion. Our muslims here say quite openly that they want to have sharia when they are more in number. Sharia meaning we, the natives, will be second ranking citizens, we will not be allowed to repair churches, converts to Christianity from Islam can be killed by any Muslim, thiefs will have their hands cut off, adulterers will be stoned, polygamy will be accepted. etc. I assure you this is practiced in the Islamic world and because the Christian world is so eager to say we surrender - because of secularisation and self-esteem issues due to the colonisation or the wars in the last decade - we will soon not be able to critizise Islam in our schools in Europe. Large numbers of our immigrants think critizism of Muhammed should be illegal like it is in their own countries.
Amen. I’ve been trying to be charitable towards, and respectful of, the Islamic faith for about a decade. I’m finished. This sword-wielding “faith” (based on one man’s “revelation”) had slain most unbelievers from Saudi to mid-France in their first 100 years. They have always had what I would call, an insane view of how the world should believe, think, and do.
None of this Islamic world view involves free will, nor the dignity of humanity (much less, the dignity of women). This is not a replay of the Crusades, this is closer to a replay of Alexander the Great’s attempt to introduce DEMOCRACY to the Middle East in 76 BC.
Islam, (and specifically this concept of Sharia) is against EVERYONE else. Christians, Jews, Atheists, democracies in general, and even certain sub-groups of Islam itself are all under real fire from Islam. I have had enough. It’s a shame really; there was a time when Islam held a great wealth of intellect, science, medicine, and technology…