I was raised Protestant/ Christian non-denom. Attended various churches, baptized at a Mennonite Church, attended Baptist the past 7 yrs, and am now journeying toward Catholicism. I ws pretty anti-Catholic for awhile, but really had never had a Catholic explain or defend their faith w/sound apologetics. I only knew nominal Catholics if that. Anyway, this isn’t a question, but just an encouragment. Most Protestants I know have no idea about the history and Early Church Fathers of the Catholic Church (which is really all Christian’s church). I began reading church history and realised that if that were true, I needed to become Catholic. To verify though, I needed more research and apologetics from the Catholic point of view…something I had never done. The more I read, the more convinced I became and though I’m still wrestling w/some things…(mainly the Mary dogma/prayers and Rosary), I’m seriously considering and am starting RCIA next wk. Anyway, I take this as a tremendous opportunity to evangelize my numerous Protestant pals. Maybe there was a reason God put me in that world for so long, and gave me a heart for evangelism. Now I can teach them all I"ve learned and maybe convert a few! Go for it guys! Tell them about www.earlychristianwritings.com , and to read 1 Clement of Rome, letter to the Corinthians - especially Ch 44-48. Totally opened my eyes to the idea of authority. We Protestants are clueless about that stuff! We were always taught not to rely on anything but the Bible. Maybe there’e some truth to that, but a ton of useful history and knowledge of how the church was set up in those Early Church Father writings. Then try the aplogetic books by Karl Keating like Answers to Anti-Catholic Fundamentalists. Good stuff!
Spread the Word friends!
Spread the Word friends!