Catholics who evangelize one on one with people: if someone asked you how can I be saved what would your response be?

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Would you say you need to repent? That you need to be baptized? receive the Eucharist?
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Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, mind and soul and love your neighbor as yourself. We demonstrate our Love for God by following the Church He established.
People who are not Catholic are simply Catholics who have not figured it out yet. It is up to all Catholics to help them along the path of salvation.
There’s no pat answer. I would engage them in conversation and move along at the pace where they seem to be most receptive.
I agree with pianistclare, it depends on to whom we are speaking and is about meeting the person where they are at. Simplest, most basic answer, and the answer behind all other answers would be- through Jesus. 🙂
Now I thought that Catholics didn’t really believe in “getting saved” or “being saved” like Protestants do. I thought that Catholics believed you worked toward the goal of being saved, but wouldn’t find out if you succeeded until you died.

Do I have that wrong? Please correct me if I do.
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This, in a nutshell is what we believe.

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It has to depend on the person you are evangelizing and on the situation. Telling a person that he has to receive the Eucharist is probably too fast if you have not explain to him about Jesus, and that probably too fast also, if he has not seen and understand the necessity to be free of sins and about righteousness.

I am a poor evangelizer myself, I usually start by trying to show a person by my stance and action what I hold unto and what I reject.

Words are important. To say the correct one in a given time and situation may be difficult.

However, if you have sufficiently confident and resourceful character, yes, you can evangelise a person by mentoring him.

God bless.
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If the question was framed as if one was looking for an alternative to the fundamentalist idea of “being saved” I would answer, “By the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, I have been redeemed; as to my personal salvation I am working it out one day at a time with fear and trembling, as Paul wrote in one of his letters.”
My two cents
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