Causing scandal

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I wasnt sure exactly where to put this, hope its okay…
 Can someone tell me exactly what "causing scandal" is? I know that its the act or omission that causes others to sin, how do we know that something we do or dont do might cause another to sin?
 I just got my lower lip pierced. my mom's used to it now but we still argue that it does/does not cause scandal. I figure that it may be offensive to the older generation, and maybe to little kids(although i teach religious ed and none of the kids have noticed)
 So i guess my question is what is scandal and would I be causing it?
Rachel <><
I figure that it may be offensive to the older generation,

So i guess my question is what is scandal and would I be causing it?
Dear Rachel,

Here is one dictionary definition of the word, from:
1 [C or U] (an action or event that causes) a public feeling of shock and strong moral disapproval:
By this definition, if you equate your “offensive to the older generation” with the dictionary’s “public feeling of shock and strong moral disapproval” then piercing your lip can be said to be causing scandal, or it can be said to be a scandal.

I’m not particularly offended by my son’s ear peircing or some of his friends’ multiple piercings (one of them probably had about 20) but I am somewhat turned off by it. I’ve pretty much gotten used to males wearing an earring, and sometimes even think it’s kind of flashy. With multiple piercing and piercings in “unusual” places such as in the lower lip, I see it as a move that typically does not add anything of beauty, and I often wonder what the person is thinking who does that. They have to be a hassle, not to mention an infection possibility. One coworker of mine once had a tongue stud, other piercings, and often punk hair colors. She was nice enough, but she didn’t speak clearly and it was rather distracting to talk to her.

I think at one time, unusual piercings were a nonconformity issue, and were seen as somewhat rebellious, like long hair on men used to be. That is, until they got to be done so much that entire classes of people were “expected” to wear them. At that point, nonconformity changed into conformity and these days I think excessive piercing appears to be as someone trying too hard to be unique, resulting in “conformity by nonconformity.”

I think it is because there are some strong sexual connotations inferred from lip and tongue piercings. So, while they are not overtly scandalous, the case could be made that they could cause men (and women, who knows) to be more inclined to dwell on impure thoughts regarding you as a result of your piercing.

Here is an example. My brother bought me a New England Patriots whiskey flask as a “best man” gift when he got married. Now I am not a drinker by any stretch (although I am a huge Pats fan), and I keep the flask on my desk at work. Now, with it there, I have had more people ask me to go out and party than before I put it on display. While partying itself is not inherently evil, it opens the possibility to acts of immorality. Its the insinuation that I am a drinker that is caused by the display of the flask. I hope I am making sense of this, but it is the best example I could think of that sorta applies.
I always thought that scandel in the religious sense was leading others into sin. So you would be causing scandel if you went into your class of kids & started talking about what a great night out you had last night/how must alcohol you drank/who you ended up with (note: imaginary person based on my conversations in work) or if you told the children that Jesus wasn’t really present in the Eucharist, you don’t need to go to mass etc.

A lip piercing could only be considered scandel if it lead others to lewd thoughts. Theoretically you could be causing others to sin by causing them to made negative judgements about you but thats not realistic. I guess that you mother is thinking that a pierced lip is see to signify a certain kind of lifestyle and that your piercing seems to endorse that lifestyle. Again I don’t think that is realistic, with so many people getting piercings now it no longer means anything.
I think it is because there are some strong sexual connotations inferred from lip and tongue piercings.
Hmmm… color me old fashioned. To me there are no sexual connotations to lip or tongue piercing. The presence of a lip or tongue “ring” would definitely not arouse me, in fact it would have the exact opposite effect. Although there may be some rings out there that are “beautiful” I basically think they are detractors to beauty, not enhancers. Perhaps that’s why some have them? To make themselves less attractive?
Hmmm… color me old fashioned. To me there are no sexual connotations to lip or tongue piercing. The presence of a lip or tongue “ring” would definitely not arouse me, in fact it would have the exact opposite effect.
I work with younger people (early 20’s) and that is exactly why they get the tongue piercings. It does have a sexual meaning behind it. Sick as it seems to most of us old folks, that is what they say. So I think her mom may think it is scandalous because she works with younger CCD children. As a parent, I would protest that. I don’t think it is something I want my child to get used to at CCD. I can see why the mom was upset.
I wasnt sure exactly where to put this, hope its okay…

Can someone tell me exactly what “causing scandal” is? I know that its the act or omission that causes others to sin, how do we know that something we do or dont do might cause another to sin?
I just got my lower lip pierced. my mom’s used to it now but we still argue that it does/does not cause scandal. I figure that it may be offensive to the older generation, and maybe to little kids(although i teach religious ed and none of the kids have noticed)
So i guess my question is what is scandal and would I be causing it?

Rachel <><
Hi Rachel,
I’m not trying to come down on you, but could you please tell me what makes people want to pierce their tongue or lip…or worse? And I don’t think you are causing scandal, btw.
Bless You,
Annunciata 🙂
could you please tell me what makes people want to pierce their tongue or lip…or worse?
I got mine done because i’ve wanted it for a long time, and i love how they look.

What I dont understand is that to certain groups of people something as simple as wearing pants and make-up, dying your hair, or certain hobbies might cause shock, or strong moral disapproval. do we change everything we are to please those people? i’m judged all the time based on my faith, do i change that so i wont cause others to sin by judging me? should i really care what society says? do i have to meet a certain dress code(besides being modest) to enter heaven? does God look at my heart or my face when He sees me? this little piece of stainless steel doesnt hinder my relationship with God, and in most cases people my age are impressed that i can look how i do and still be a strong catholic.

maybe there are no answers…

Rachel <><
I got mine done because i’ve wanted it for a long time, and i love how they look.

What I dont understand is that to certain groups of people something as simple as wearing pants and make-up, dying your hair, or certain hobbies might cause shock, or strong moral disapproval. do we change everything we are to please those people? i’m judged all the time based on my faith, do i change that so i wont cause others to sin by judging me? should i really care what society says? do i have to meet a certain dress code(besides being modest) to enter heaven? does God look at my heart or my face when He sees me? this little piece of stainless steel doesnt hinder my relationship with God, and in most cases people my age are impressed that i can look how i do and still be a strong catholic.

maybe there are no answers…

Rachel <><
I think that is as good a reason as any and as you say, you are able to evangelize with it… Good for you! Much wisdom in you Rachel! God Bless, Annunciata:)
I got mine done because i’ve wanted it for a long time, and i love how they look.

What I dont understand is that to certain groups of people something as simple as wearing pants and make-up, dying your hair, or certain hobbies might cause shock, or strong moral disapproval.
Dear Rachel,

Welcome to the “real world.” Of course you understand that people are free to like or dislike what you do or wear, but does that give them the right to judge you and make moral assumptions about you? It doesn’t, but they do anyway. This is something you might as well accept because it’s the case. Let me assure you it isn’t just on the outward signs you have listed, you will also be judged for how you pray, how you think (to the extent you reveal it), and whether your opinions match others’ opinions, even though they may be deceitful about their own version of those same opinions.
do we change everything we are to please those people?
That depends on your status and goals in life. If you are in a position where you can essentially tell them to “flip off,” then you can do what you want. If those people are employers or customers, or people whom you otherwise care about what they think, it might pay to be sensitive to their prejudices.
i’m judged all the time based on my faith, do i change that so i wont cause others to sin by judging me? should i really care what society says? do i have to meet a certain dress code(besides being modest) to enter heaven?
These are excellent questions. I don’t know enough about your faith to know what you mean by changing it, but the apostle Paul became like whoever he was around in order to win them. He knew that eating certain foods instead of others was no big deal, but observed the superstitions of those he was around, or conversely ate what he was given, in order to fit in better with those he was trying to win.

Really you could take this either way. If you are open and honest about your catholic faith and hang around a bunch of Goths, for example, you might dress at least somewhat like them at least until you convince them that you don’t judge them, and that may be a good strategy to win their hearts. If you are hanging around your mother and her friends and they are offended by how you look, then you dress that way at your own risk for your own reasons.
does God look at my heart or my face when He sees me? this little piece of stainless steel doesnt hinder my relationship with God, and in most cases people my age are impressed that i can look how i do and still be a strong catholic.
I think what you deliberately do to your face shows what’s in your heart. Perhaps God isn’t interested so much in what you look like on the surface, but your motivation for looking that way. If you decorate yourself a certain way because you honestly think it is attractive, but know it is offensive to some, then you’re going to have to make up your own mind about your motives. If you do it in part to be a nonconformist, consider the fact that nonconformity itself has now become conformity, so it’s not that you are being an individual; it’s just a matter of choosing which group you want to conform to. If your heart is pure then most of the time even the people who are initially offended will get used to it and realize you are the person you are. I said earlier that I find unusual or excessive piercings turnoffs, but I have to admit there is one young girl I see occasionally that is so charming that even her eyebrow piercings don’t gross me out anymore. I still don’t understand why anyone would want pierced eybrows, and I hope my own daughters don’t choose to look like that, but she is obviously a nice girl.

I hope this helps more than it confuses! 🙂

I think that is as good a reason as any and as you say, you are able to evangelize with it… Good for you! Much wisdom in you Rachel! God Bless, Annunciata:)
Dear Rachel,

In case it didn’t sound like it, I agree with Annunciata on this. If you can evangelize with it, great. That was supposed to be a part of my lengthier message but it may not have sounded that way.

In order to cause scandal, you have to commit a sin. Then people who admire you decide to commit the same sin because you committed it. Causing scandal is being a bad example. Often people who cause scandal are famous, such as sports figures who go bad. A person who causes scandal becomes the bad companion we are warned to stay away from.

Face piercing is not a sin. Therefore, you are not causing scandal by having your face pierced. Face hardware even looks cool on a young wrinkle-free face.

But ask yourself how much confidence you would have in your doctor, lawyer, priest or teacher if they had a face full of hardware. There are exceptions to this, but in general, face piercing will prevent you from getting a decent job.
As an aside, or maybe it does deal with this issue, I wonder when piercings cross the line to self-mutilation. I have my ears pierced once and I know it doesn’t hurt but the lips, eyebrows, etc. seem like they’d be big ouches. I know many pagan faiths practice self-mutilation which might be why mom frown on it and might see it as scandalous.
In order to cause scandal, you have to commit a sin.
I’m not sure this is exactly correct. I think you can lead people to believe you are sinning or do nothing to thwart this idea and that would also be considered scandalous in the eyes of the Church - deed or ommission I think it says.
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