CBS News Poll: 55 Percent of Americans Pro-Life, Oppose Most Abortions

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This came form the MSM?:bigyikes:
CBS News Poll: 55 Percent of Americans Pro-Life, Oppose Most Abortions
by Steven Ertelt Editor
January 16, 2006

**New York, NY ( – **A new poll conducted by CBS News finds a majority of Americans oppose virtually all abortions in the United States. Those polled said they want either no abortions to occur or for abortion to be limited to very rare circumstances.

Some 55 percent of Americans took a pro-life position on abortion. Of those, 33 percent said abortions should be “permitted only in cases such as rape, incest and to save the woman’s life.”

Full Story
It’s great news that the pro-life numbers are increasing! Tell that to those opposing Judge ALito’s nomination to the Supreme Court on the ground that he is not in step with mainstream American thinking on the abortion issue!
I must admit I don’t watch much network news, but has anyone heard them give this survey of theirs any air time? Is it making any headlines? I rather doubt it!

Call each and everyone of the so-called “Catholic” senators and let them know how you expect them to vote in accordance with their faith ( and to try to be more “in the mainstream” as they say)
or stop calling themselves Catholic! They are an embarassment to us all!
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