i heard someone say that the Catholic Church is not the only source of absolute christian truth ( Protestant Churches are also sources ) because God is constatnly revealing new truths and the Catholic church changed many truths in vatican 2.
how do i respond to that ?
The truth is the truth, and it can’t be changed…
The Catholic Church believes that public revelation ended with the death of the last Apostle. In essence, the deposit of faith was complete, and nothing can be added or subtracted. The deposit is presented to us in the form of doctrines. Consequently no doctrine has ever been added or subtracted from the deposit of faith in the 2000 year history of the Church.
Now there has been what is called “development of doctrine”. Basically, this refers to the fact that as man reflects and studies the truth from generation to generation, new insights into the truth can be gleaned, as well as new applications of the truth to changes in society. This in no way indicates that truth is being changed…it is simply being understood more fully. An example of this is Church teachings on human cloning or fetal stem cell research. These are isssues that are unique to society today, and thus wouldn’t have explicitly been thought about in centuries past. Yet by reflecting on the truth, we can see how it applies to new situations.
All the above refers to official Church doctrine. Vactican II, changed no truths as defined above. What the council did do, is change some practices, or ways or doing things. Customs and practices are diffferent from doctrine, and can be changed as the need arises. To take one controversial topic, priestly celibacy is a discipline, not a doctrine. At some point, the Church could change this practice and allow married priests. This in no way affects Church doctrine, it just changes the way of doing things. Another good example is saying the mass in vernacular as opposed to latin…it’s just a way of doing things.
To sum up, disciplines/practices/customs can be changed, and do not affect the deposit of faith. Doctrines, as part of the deposit of faith, cannot be added, subtracted, or changed.