CCD at home- Need Advice!

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I am looking for a CCD program that I can do with my daughter at home. The curriculum at her school seems a little watered down for her age. Don’t get me wrong, she’s learning a lot, and is being catechised appropriately for sacramental preparation. I would just like to supplement her religious school education with something we can do nightly at home.

I was very interested in the Seton Home School Curricula but it looks like you cannot order just one “subject”. They provide curricula for an entire school year- all subjects for a tuition rate.

(Looks awesome for those home schoolers out there! 👍 )

But as I stated previously, my daughter attends Catholic school- so this would be supplemental stuff not an entire curriculum.

In addition, I would be interested in any advice anyone has about a complete religious education at-home-program. I will be unable to afford her Catholic school very much longer- even with our generous tuition assistance program, and I’m not sure I have much faith (not Faith) in our CCD program. Seems like a big goof off session to me.

I would do all of this myself, but I am a product of watered down CCD of the 70’s adn 80’s, and I’m not real confident in my ability to pick out stuff that would be important for her to learn. I myself, am so gratefull for this forum so I can become more informed and gain clarification for many issues.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


I know Seton looks that way. However, I order one subject all of the time. Just call them and ask them to send you the religion curriculum for the grade your child is in. You can order it right then.

God Bless
I absolutely LOVE the Faith and Life Series by Ignatius Press. Seriously, this publication covers each grade level with beautiful classic art, orthodox readings and a questions and answers page that I enjoy reviewing with my kids. I used it to supplement my kids during their CCD training as well as covering their religion after (I homeschool). As well, look up St. Ursula’s Urchins. It is a web based program that gives you puzzles teaching and reviewing the reading from the past Sunday. They are hard puzzles, so my kids with dyslexia cannot complete them without my help, but it helps to re-iterate what the Mass was teaching them. So often Mass is over their heads, but knowing they will be discussing it, helps them perk up a little.
I use Seton too. You can enroll in the religion course for $85 or just buy the books seperate. You don’t mention what the grade level is, but especially for the younger grades, you could probably just buy the books and do fine.

I would recommend just buying the appropriate St. Jesph Baltimore Cat. number for your childs level and the Seton Religion For Young Catholics book as you have the private school to answer any questions that come up.
My daughter will be in 4th grade. Right now they are using religious curriculum from Loyola Press, which isn’t a company I am familiar with.

The advice here was wonderfull. Thanks for everyone’s (name removed by moderator)ut!

I know my daughter’s school used the Ignatius Press materials at one time, and truthfully, I’m not sure why they switched. They did seem to be excellent materials.

If anyone has any experience with Loyola Press curriculum so I could be more informed- that would be great.

I’m still kinda drawn to the Seton materials… But will spend some time with all the options again after hearing from you all.


Our parish’s CCE program uses a Loyola Press text series too. It isn’t as bad as most but it is a bit light, even in the sacrament years (I teach 2nd grade CCE). My own kids go to a Catholic school that uses Faith and Life. When we were out of the country for almost a year, I home- taught them using the F&L books. With just the text and workbook, they learned so much. I still use the St. Joseph’s First Communion Catechism to supplement - at home and with my CCE kids.

F&L has been recently updated so that the Q&A sections tie into the sections of the CCC. This is a great feature, especially as the kids get older.

Image of God is another series that is not “Catechism Light” and is often recommened. I haven’t used the books personally but have looked them over in the bookstore and they seem very solid.
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