What materials are used to teach CCD? Do all CC’s all over the world use the same materials? Or are there are a variety to choose from and are they all approved by the Vatican?
Thank you
Materials vary by diocese and parish. Parishes and diocese establish guidelines and texts are selected. Religious edcation textbooks are published by most major publishers (i.e. McMillian, Houghton-Miflin, Sadlier, etc) and by some individual Catholic publishers (Ignatius Press for example).
Do the children have bibles or do they work from another source?
Well, there are a variety of sources, just as there are in Protestant Sunday School.
There is typically a textbook of some type-- usually a workbook format with tear-out sheets that the kids can take home.
We have classroom sets of bibles in our CCD classes which we use in class.
Are all of these CCD materials approved by the Vatican?
The materials are reviewed through the same process as all religion materials, and receive an imprimatur and nihil obstat if they are free from error.
No, this is not done by “the Vatican”.
It’s hard for non-Catholics to understand, perhaps, but “the Vatican” does not get involved in the day-to-day operations of the diocese, that is the Bishop’s job. He runs his diocese.
The Bishop sets the religious education curriculum in his diocese, usually through the office of catechsis which employs full-time, professional educators.