Celebration ideas for First Communion

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My 7 year old is going to have his First Communion in May and my wife and I were wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to celebrate it. We’re going to have a party for sure, but if anyone has any special things they have done, please let us know. Thanks.
“Special” and “7 years old” should give you the clues. You don’t want it to overwhelm him. You don’t want to turn it into what some bar mitzahs in this country have become.

Traditionally, in the U.S., it’s deli trays, possibly BBQ on the grill, salads and a big cake at home.

We are sponsoring breakfast at a local restaurant for the extended family, followed by the First Communion itself that afternoon. Why? 1.) The house is being renovated. 2.) The price is so reasonable, it’s cheaper and involves less work to do that than bring in the deli trays, salads, and a big cake. 3.) While we welcome all family members to church with us on this special day, everybody can’t fit in the “family pew”. Some are “uncomfortable” in a Catholic church (but are invited anyway- you never know).
Having been through this with 3 of my 4 children, I would say to keep it simple. We usually have family over for lunch/supper afterwards, and we have a bakery cake with a cross, or some other relevant symbol of communion on it. If it is spring time, we let kids run and play outside- the weather is usually nice at that time.

Best of luck with the event!
My son received his 1st communion on Dec 3, 2006, Feast of St. Francis Xavier (patron saint of Goa) (this was with special permission from our pastor) DS made his 1st confession the day before. Before mass, he offered a floral arrangement to Mother Mary.
After mass, we had a family get-together (DH and I have lots of extend family and a small house, so rarely entertain, this was a great occassion to get everyone together at a Legion hall), in typical Goan style. Food was Goan ( sorpotel, sannas, rice, salad, eggplant, chicken…)catered. Even had chick peas and coconut. Good music (even some Konkani mandos) dancing and lots of games…everyone had a blast…some family we saw after a few years. The cake was in the shape of an open bible with a cross on one page and a chalice and host with wheat and grapes on the other page.

DS had a very special day receiving Jesus.
Make the biggest celebration the celebration of the Mass. A simple lunch after Mass for family, the Godparents, and a few close friends with a cake would be nice. Religious gifts would be appropriate.
whatever you plan, try not to let the party overshadow the main event, Mass and communion. I hate it when one or both parents misses the child’s first communion Mass because they are at home preparing for the party, yes, this happens all the time.
A whole bunch of us parents got together and got a hotel room in a hotel that had a pool and invited all the first communicants and their siblings. We also had a private party for just my kids which was a picnic and sleepover. For the picnic it was family friends and the sleepover was their (1) best friend each.
As others have said, keep it celebratory and joyful, but simple. If your child (or you!) is talking more about what you have planned after Mass as opposed to their First Communion, you may be overdoing it!
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