Centring Prayer/Yoga/Transcendental Meditation

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John of Woking:
STAY AWAY. These are not orthodox spiritualities šŸ˜ƒ
You calling me out? :ehh:

Be prepared to prove what is wrong with centering prayer or risk starting a thread like THIS ONE! :bigyikes:

Honestly, Many have tried with enthusiasm to refute centering prayer but none have done so credibly. There are about a half dozen objections, some of which every article Iā€™ve seen against CP seems to contain, all of which are easily refuted. To borrow a phrase from Hillary Clinton, there seems to be a ā€œvast right-wing conspiracyā€ that is making it out to be something it isnā€™t, and then criticizing it on that false basis. :tsktsk:

If youā€™re caught in that conspiracy trap, then please submit yourself for deprogramming, here, free of charge. :tiphat:

I have no comment about yoga or TM at this time.


I think you will find this article interesting. And donā€™t worry, its posted on the very Catholic Answers website which hosts this forum, so you can be sure its legitimacy is not in question.šŸ˜‰

God Bless

I think you will find this article interesting. And donā€™t worry, its posted on the very Catholic Answers website which hosts this forum, so you can be sure its legitimacy is not in question.šŸ˜‰

God Bless
Come on. Letā€™s not start this all over again. Dreher is quoted already on the other thread.

I think you will find this article interesting. And donā€™t worry, its posted on the very Catholic Answers website which hosts this forum, so you can be sure its legitimacy is not in question.šŸ˜‰

God Bless
Yeah. Like Mike said, this article was one of the main topics of discussion on the other forum. When it was first shown to me it was not posted on CA. It was clearly full of misconceptions about CP, and one poster who adheres to that article has offered to try to contact the author at a phone number I gave him, to address my concerns about it. Again, here is a link to that thread which ran ad nauseum. (That is, unless youā€™re just messing with my head. šŸ˜‰ )

Once I realized that it was posted on the CA website, it just pointed up how careful you have to be about information sources. I also noticed that some apologist on the AAA forum had also quoted the same olā€™ same olā€™ stuff about CP. Apparently it pays to take information with a grain of salt no matter where you get it. šŸ˜¦

Yeah. Like Mike said, this article was one of the main topics of discussion on the other forum. When it was first shown to me it was not posted on CA. It was clearly full of misconceptions about CP, and one poster who adheres to that article has offered to try to contact the author at a phone number I gave him, to address my concerns about it. Again, here is a link to that thread which ran ad nauseum. (That is, unless youā€™re just messing with my head. šŸ˜‰ )
Once I realized that it was posted on the CA website, it just pointed up how careful you have to be about information sources. I also noticed that some apologist on the AAA forum had also quoted the same olā€™ same olā€™ stuff about CP. Apparently it pays to take information with a grain of salt no matter where you get it. šŸ˜¦
Yes, I looked through the thread and read more than enough armchair pontificating for one night, so needless to say I didnā€™t read it all.

I myself are in neither the pro or anti-CP camp until I find more reliable information from some more authoritative sources representing the Church. And from what I know about my Catholic faith that means the Vatican, more specifically John Paul II or someone working directly for him with his full blessing.

I was just running a search on Centering Prayer through the EWTN Faith Catholic Q&A forum on their site here. When the results finally loaded after forever and a day, the responses to the inquiries were very interesting, apparently showing their so-called ā€œexpertsā€ to be in lock step with the Dreher/anti-CP camp. And up to now I believed EWTNā€™s orthodoxy to be impeccable, which for what I know now it may or may not be in regard to CP.

So all of this is leaving me rather confused, and you do indeed need to be very careful with your sources, but what sources can you trust when it comes to CP?šŸ˜¦

God Bless
So all of this is leaving me rather confused, and you do indeed need to be very careful with your sources, but what sources can you trust when it comes to CP?šŸ˜¦
Dear Catholic29,

When I came to these forums, I was blasted in many ways because I spoke from my own heart and mind rather than from an intimate knowledge of church teachings, and I challenged those who seemed to know more about the issues at hand to back up their opinions and in some cases they did and some they didnā€™t. Eventually I caved in and learned how to sing the right tune in order not to get pegged as a heretic.

When we got to CP, though, now we were on a topic I know something about ā€“ far more than any apologist wannabe who has read a few articles. The lack of depth shown and the nature of the arguments on this one topic where I have some personal knowledge reveals that you canā€™t even trust articles on the CA website for a thorough and proper analysis.

There is so much misinformation by ostensibly reliable sources about what the Church ā€œinfalliblyā€ teaches and that I ā€œmustā€ believe that it seems rather self-serving that some of these same people deny that the action of the Holy Spirit within each of us as individuals can hold a candle to what they say is the infallible truth. The body of ā€œknowledgeā€ they have collectively constructed must be protected, to the extent that it becomes their idol.

If you can find it in a print version, perhaps through a Catholic university library, I highly recommend ā€œA Closer Look at Centering Prayerā€ by Margaret A. Feaster, which ran in the October 2004 issue of Homiletic & Pastoral Review.

The basic problem with centering prayer is that it relies on an acquired non-Christian Eastern technique for taking the practitioner within himself. Christian spirituality is interpersonal (i.e., between persons); generally speaking, non-Christian Eastern spirituality focuses the practitioner inward onto the self rather than outward to God and others.

This thread is now closed. Thanks to all who participated in the discussion.**
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