Chain of Command

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What is the Chain of Command in the Church? Who are those in Authority from parish level all the way to the Pope?
Roughly, each Bishop is a successor to the Apostles. As such he is in charge of his diocese, subject to the overall guidance of the Pope. the pastor of a parish is the agent of his Bishop and acts under his authority. The other priests assist the pastor in his duties.

That is the priest derives his authority from his bishop, but the bishop holds authority in his own right.

An archbishop coordinates the activities of the Bishops in his area, but has no direct authority over them.

The national council of bishops is a consultive body where bishops of the country can coordinate their activities, but have no independent power.

This is very simplified, and omits a lot of detail. Hopefully it gives you an uncluttered view.
Joe Kelley told it right. It’s a lot less rigidly structured than most people think. The government, the military, and most corporations have a more rigid chain of command than the Church.
Someone left out us poor deacons again. One thing about this Chain of Command. All of these folks are called to be Servants. The Pope calls himself, “The servant of the servants of the Lord.” If the priest processes from the rear of the church to begin Mass, this signifies his servant status. The priest is always last in line unless bishop is there, then bishop is last. In ancient times, the servants always walked behind their masters when making an entrance. Sometimes pastors forget that they are called to “Serve” their community.

Deacon Tony SFO
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