The just war theory. This article really makes one think about going or not going into war. I’ll have to pray on it more. ncronline.org/blogs/making-difference/challenging-just-war-theory
Which specific points of the article do you dispute? Where does it go against the Catechism or the teachings of the Church?Two points:
- It’s not Just War “Theory.” It’s Just War Doctrine.
- The National “Catholic” Reporter is hardly the source to form your moral conscience on. Turn instead to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, or some other faithful Catholic source.
The overall article itself. They’re essentially citing specific wars (especially Iraq), where it is perfectly permissible to dispute whether the criterion for a just war were met. They have actually not addressed each individual criteria for a just war and presented their counter-arguments as to why those criteria are not valid. They just made a premise that a just war is not possible but actually did not offer any proofs against the criteria laid down by the Church.Which specific points of the article do you dispute? Where does it go against the Catechism or the teachings of the Church?
Define ‘recent.’Give me examples of recent wars which were carried out justly. Even better if the objectives were met and peace and prosperity were restored. I am having a hard time thinking of one.
Okay, I was thinking of World War II. Several countries entered the war justly. There was some kind of plan to restore peace. We may well question the use of the A-bomb, but I don’t know, perhaps the alternatives were even worse.Define ‘recent.’Sometimes when I see threads that debate the moral legitimacy of war, people use ‘recent’ as a line to exclude anything beyond Vietnam and Iraq.
Not exactly the best examples compared to plenty other wars in the past that arguably brought more relative peace and prosperity.
You don’t have to. The recent wars can be said to have questionable justification. No one is obligated to hold that Iraq 1990, Iraq 2003, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea met the criteria for just wars.Give me examples of recent wars which were carried out justly. Even better if the objectives were met and peace and prosperity were restored. I am having a hard time thinking of one.
Well, prayer should be enough, if done by enough people and if they are truly sincere enough…but strange thing is, I cant think of ONE single time in history when prayer was enough to stop something like this.Practically speaking, How does One (a nation or nations) stop ISIS? Should they be stopped? What nonviolent ways could they be stopped?
History tells us that it’s not sufficient. God expects us to take action too.Well, prayer should be enough, if done by enough people and if they are truly sincere enough…but strange thing is, I cant think of ONE single time in history when prayer was enough to stop something like this.
If faith and prayer were truly that powerful, why did the CC even need the crusaders?
Makes you think…