changing of the church

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i guess i was brought up by my parents different. i always went to church and saw pews and kneelers. but now a local church or cathedral rather has taken them away and put in new comfortable chairs and nowhere to kneel down or reflect. they made it more modern, is this what the church is turnng to? can someone explain. also i always had to get dressed up with shirt and tie now people are in jeans and nobody genuflects anymore, it seems like its more of a social gathering than a place of worship and prayer in SILENCE. i am only 26 and i value the old church, with the organ and the calming feeling of beinging in Gods House. now the processional people are carrying flags down the isle and dance! I would love to hear comments, im sure God does not care of the dance and carrying on we do aslong as we pray but i like the reserve at church i had. :confused:
I am from the old school too. I am 46 and I am not pleased at all with the “New” church. I don’t like seeing people in shorts or teens in baggy clothes. I think the church is a place of respect. I admire your being so young but still having respect for God and his house.

I grew up where if you got to church late and the priest had started the service you did not go in. I also grew up where ladies covered their heads. I just like the old church ways.

I don’t know what I do if people in my church started dancing, I think i would have to hav a talk with my priest and tell him that as a church member I was not pleased.
I’m 17 and am coming more and more to appreciate the “old school.” Big fan of Gregorian Chant and Ukrainian Divine Liturgies…stuff just seems more reverent, and far more uplifting. I come from a parish that isn’t quite as liberal as most, but is still feeling the effects of a priest a few years ago that was a huge fan of the more modern rudiments…risen Christ over the altar, etc. I’d love to go to a Latin Mass or a Divine Liturgy but unfortunately live about 100 miles from either. All of the colleges I’ve looked at for next year, though, are near places where I might find the TLM or an Eastern Liturgy (and two of the schools I’m looking at are Catholic). I can’t wait.

Mike 110,
You are in NY so I can’t imagine you’d need to go too far to find a more traditional church. I live in San Francisco CA and as liberal a town as this is the masses here are pretty traditional. At least the 4 churches I’ve attended. Keep searching! And talk to folk. I’m certain you’re not alone. Perhaps it will turn the tide where you are. God bless you!

I feel your pain, mikec. My parish doesn’t do much with the “dance” but it has always had chairs and no kneelers. But I detect a shift to more tradition in the parish, so we may get our pews and kneelers someday soon. Patience.
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