I’d love thoughts/suggestions on this. I have two issues that are making me consider another parish.
My husband is of the feeling we should just cut all ties and migrate to the other church. I’m feeling some guilt…
So, my question is (being a rather newbie to the TRUE teachings of the church) what is justification for changing parishes? Is there a protocol? Is it fair for me to leave given the classes I teach?
Thanks in advance!
I’d love thoughts/suggestions on this. I have two issues that are making me consider another parish.
- Our parish is a bit more liberal than I’m confortable with including their stance on the elections. Our priest held up the Catholic Answers voter’s guide and another that was “approved” by our diocese at Mass the Sunday before the elections saying we shouldn’t used the Catholic Answers guide because it was “too narrow in scope” where as the other guide holds environmentalism on the same level as abortion, stem cell research, euthanisia, etc. I about fell out of the pew. I was later told our priest was just following marching orders, but I found it really surprising. The new parish we are considering is VERY conservative and there is really a sense of community there we do not feel at the current parish.
- I’ve been asked to join be on the board of a home school co-op to which I belong that is at the new parish I mentioned above. Not many home school in my current parish. I will be spending a good deal of time at the new parish for co-op activities.
My husband is of the feeling we should just cut all ties and migrate to the other church. I’m feeling some guilt…
So, my question is (being a rather newbie to the TRUE teachings of the church) what is justification for changing parishes? Is there a protocol? Is it fair for me to leave given the classes I teach?
Thanks in advance!