Changing the Headlines

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Tell me I’m wrong, but I think the “new evangelization” and the pro-active immigration reform archbishops of Los Angeles and Boston are simply trying to change the headlines, get ahead of the news cycle about the priest sex abuse scandal.

These two archbishops head two of the dioceses where some of the biggest monetary awards have been made, and I think they’re simply trying to have Catholics in the headlines for reasons other than the sex abuse scandal.

I’m 65 years old and I always thought that all we Catholics should be making a lot more effort to evangelize the world. But, the timing of this “new” evangelization is simply not coincidental with the sex abuse scandal.

After all, what would most non-Catholics object to or question most today about the Catholic Church? dogma, yes, eventually. incense? maybe a few. But, if I were a non-Catholic even remotely thinking about joining the Church, this is one issue that would be a BIG obstacle to joining the Church.

That leads into point number 2: Who do the bishops want to explain the mess to the rest of the people in the U.S.? The Bishops? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. They want the laity to take the heat. And, in the meantime, they want US to feel guilty about not evangelizing, when they have done so much damage, collectively, to stifle evangelization.

There are a WHOLE LOT of things that people need to do to support evangelization, and so far, I haven’t heard much from the big-hat guys. Like money, for example. Where should we be donating money, if we are not personally in a situation where we can do a lot of Catholic evangelization.

Second, by now, don’t you think that there should be a lot of literature and handbooks that we should be passing out in our communities to foster evangelization?

Third, there’s that other bug-a-boo thing we’re going to run into – the REFORMATION, By the way, the 500th anniversary of the Reformation is fast approaching. Have we all been catechized to address the concerns of all the reformed churches in our hometowns? Not a chance.

These half-hearted issues are merely the attempt to displace the sex abuse scandal from the front page of the paper. Pope Francis has been changing a lot of headlines with a lot of glitz, but where is the substance?

etc. etc. We’ve got to “train the troops” before we “go into the battle.” We need a lot of prayer, too, for the aid of the Holy Spirit. I don’t see the “new evangelization” amounting to more than a slogan unless a lot starts to change – and we’re trying to do more with less – many fewer priests and professed religious. Remember how Jesus said that the laborers are few for the “harvest?”
Tell me I’m wrong, but I think the “new evangelization” and the pro-active immigration reform archbishops of Los Angeles and Boston are simply trying to change the headlines, get ahead of the news cycle about the priest sex abuse scandal.
And about time the headlines are changed.
Less than 4% of our priest were involved world wide… and we’re all (Catholics in general) hung next to our Lord on the cross.
The Sexual Abuse Crisis in the Roman Catholic Church: What Psychologists and Counselors Should Know

Six important points you don’t hear about regarding clergy sexual abuse in the Catholic Church (Psychology Today)

I don’t see the teachers, the coaches, the boyscout leaders, the girlscout leaders, police, and others placed upon the alter of the public media the way the members of our faith have been… indeed, not even those that have failed in the same manner within the leaders of our seperated brothers and sisters in Christ have suffered as we have over this…
so please, Lord, remember us when you enter your kingdom.

SO BE IT: **
Matthew 5:10-12
10 Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,

for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11 Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you [falsely] because of me. 12
Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven.h Thus they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
I’m 65 years old and I always thought that all we Catholics should be making a lot more effort to evangelize the world.
I’m a convert to the Catholic faith, and I’ve always thought that Catholcs did an extreamly poor job of this. My late GrandPa was an Elder in a Baptist Church. There was usually something being sponsored by his church, a yard clean-up, lunch, downtown music event, and they had that Church’s name on banners at every entrance to the event - prayers said before, during, and after…
New person moved in, three young men would show up to help (small town 🙂 ) along with the Rev or one of the Elders to ride-rod-and-staff on the helpers. Dad sick and the yard needs mowed, there’d be a card on the door, “We stopped by today to pray for your Daddy - Baptist Chuch” and the lawn would be mowed- didn’t matter if you were one of those “cookie worshipers” or one of the members of the Church… I know, I was on one of those groups… too young then to mow; however, I could pull a dandylion out of the ground faster than you shake a stick and clean the edging and curb like it was just poured.

Need to talk the Faith, you betcha, GP could quote you chapter and verse on just about every topic under the sun. (I now know the flaws in some of these arguments; however, there was a lot of truth there too). And ALWAYS an offer to get you to the next Sunday Service.

and Catholics need to do more of this
the REFORMATION, By the way, the 500th anniversary of the Reformation is fast approaching. Have we all been catechized to address the concerns of all the reformed churches in our hometowns? Not a chance.
And I agree here… but you seem to not be in the loop.
THere are programs such as That Man is You (or more here )TMIY - Learn More and many others that are out there trying to teach both Catholics and Non-Catholics alike about our faith.

You can lead a horse to water, but that stupid horse will drown before you can make it drink a single drop.
God knocks, ever so softly, at the door of our hearts. WE must open the door to let him inside.

I hope that as a Lector, I am standing next to our Lord at someone’s heart, softly knocking.

I hope as a PRE teacher that I am at the I am standing next to our Lord at a child’s heart, softly knocking.

I hope as a Catholic, that am standing next to our Lord, at someone’s heart, softly knocking.

I hope my GP is proud that I standing next to our Lord at someone’s heart, softly knocking… as he did… maybe not perfectly… but he was there.
These half-hearted issues are merely the attempt to displace the sex abuse scandal from the front page of the paper. Pope Francis has been changing a lot of headlines with a lot of glitz, but where is the substance?
And what would you have?

Would you rather that we, as a Church, continue to suffer for the poor choices made by a few men? They are men, they made a horrible choice, we MUST forgive them - our Lord COMMANDS us to do so! Forgive and let the healing begin… reach out and but touch the hem of our Lord’s cloak and be healed.

Would you have us continue to suffer for or Bishops and Priests that often following the advise given by secular professionals - often given in error, but based upon what was known at the time, moved and made choices based upon that information?

The passover meal is due to start, please, spear us - let the mercy of the Church flow, take us down from the cross, and prepare for the coming of the Lord. We are weary… let it be done according to our Lord’s desire.
Nothing would stop the press’ attraction to such a titillating and scandalous topic. Certainly not immigration.

Pope Francis is a wonderful example of evangelization with his emphasis on caring for all around us. If anything can be said to be taking the scandal off the front page it might be the celebrated papacy of Francis.

Personally, I believe that the scandal is in the process of winding down. New guidelines, restrictions and rules in the Church have helped. Also, the tide of cases of abuse seems to have diminished dramatically since the early days. Such stories may always be with us, because priests are human, but it is hopefully the right time to start putting this behind us.

That being said, we must never forget the suffering of the abused and the innocents who were hurt. They will always need our prayers.
And about time the headlines are changed.

The passover meal is due to start, please, spear us - let the mercy of the Church flow, take us down from the cross, and prepare for the coming of the Lord. We are weary… let it be done according to our Lord’s desire.
Golly, I appreciate your point of view! 🙂
Yes, I suffer from an anxiety problem and take medication for it, but not for hallucination.

The priests and bishops have made evangelization about a hundred times harder than it should be, and starting right from within the ch*urch. I don’t think that the bishops have cleaned up the mess or *apologized to us laity (because the lawyers have probably advised them not to say anything that would imply guilt).

Stacked on top of that is the frequent admission (a la EWTN) from priests and bishops that the Church (in the U.S., anyway) has done a terrible job of catechizing Catholics for the last 40 years – they don’t know what they’re supposed to and they’re staying away from Mass in droves.

To evangelize anybody to join the Catholic Church takes A LOT of explanation. It’s been that way from the beginning, however. It took a lot of training of converts before they were allowed to approach the mysteries of the Mass.

This is technically not the fault of the Church, but rather the ongoing deception of non-Catholic churches – they way they get converts, by having people just drop in for Sunday worship…by making an altar call… and that seems to be It – you’re saved.

It took Jesus years to teach his disciples, and he didn’t finish the all the work, but promised to send “another” paraclete to teach them the rest of what they needed to know.
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