Charismatic meetings

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Is it right if my boyfriend and his dad wants me to make a promise that i Never attend any charismatic prayer meetings or retreats just because they think it is not correct. But i personally like attending them and find them fruitful and healing.
Should i give t up for the sake of marrying him?
I don’t feel it is really right. But i need some advice.
Sounds rather controlling to me. Is your boyfriend this way in other parts of your life as well? And why in the world is it any of his father’s business?

Charismatic worship is accepted by the Church. If anyone were to condemn it, it would be the bishops, not your boyfriend or his father.
I read through your other thread as well, and I would really caution you against marrying this man.

What his father wants should be completely irrelevant. It’s nothing to do with him as to what meetings you go to. The fact that your boyfriend thinks it reasonable firstly for his father to be making such demands and secondly to insist on taking away something you enjoy and find healing are massive red flags. And they won’t get better if you marry, but they will get much worse.

It is not right this is being asked of you.
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Each person has an individual path to God in their journey. No one else should dictate their journey. One can express concern if we’re being pilled into a cult. They should have proof. If your boyfriend & his Dad object to Charismatic prayer meetings, ask WHY? Have them go w you. Make sure they understand, they are church approved.
What else do they want to control?
Lord, guide her in Your Wisdom for her life . Grace her w Yiur strength.
In Jesus name
Is it right if my boyfriend and his dad wants me to make a promise that i Never attend any charismatic prayer meetings or retreats just because they think it is not correct. But i personally like attending them and find them fruitful and healing.
Should i give t up for the sake of marrying him?
I don’t feel it is really right. But i need some advice.
No, it’s not. But your other thread, about the wedding itself, indicates even bigger problems. It looks like it’s not your boyfriend, but his father who is making these demands.
If your boyfriend won’t stand up for you now, what makes you think he will after you’re married?
No, it’s not. But your other thread, about the wedding itself, indicates even bigger problems. It looks like it’s not your boyfriend, but his father who is making these demands.
If your boyfriend won’t stand up for you now, what makes you think he will after you’re married?
Thank you for your advice… Hope I will understand the reality around me and overcome the past through the help of our Lord.
Are you over 18?
If your boyfriend’s dad is asking promises from you…that’s not only abnormal. It’s a HUGE red flag. I’d get away. Fast. Do your parents guide you this way?
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Do your parents guide you this way
My parents say not to do such a promise ever… But my boyfriend and his dad(he is a traditional catholic) think that these charismatic meetings are not meant for catholic and never to get involved in them.
Listen to your parents.

There is nothing wrong with charismatic meetings - that is simply an opinion of your boyfriend and his father, the latter of whom should not be having any kind of say in your relationship.

I’m sorry you’re hurting right now. But leaving your boyfriend is the best thing to do.
I’m what you would term a traditionalist. I don’t care much for the charismatic movement as a personal opinion. I would never make my sons girlfriend promise anything. I think, based on this, and your past threads. You have a real unhealthy situation you are flirting with. Seriously. Leave.
It’s her fiance’s father who is demanding (and I use that word deliberately) that they be married in an SSPX church, and that she no longer go to any retreats or charismatic meetings. Her wishes and her family’s wishes don’t matter.

This sounds more like “my way or else” than “looking out for her good.”. It doesn’t bode well for married life.
it’s most definitely a problem, because that’s not what she and her family want, and he has no consideration for the wishes of the couple.
Yep. And the father has some real red flags here. Imagine what married life could be like for these two!
The major conflict arised in registration of the marriage. The sspx priest is not ready to sign in the catholic register and wants t to be in the sspx registration.

The most annoying part is neither my fiance’s dad or my fiance’s brother had their marriage in the sspx way.They had in a novos ordo mass .
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