I have attended an incredible spiritual journey with a group of Mexican men I was the only cringo I loved singing to the Lord getting catholic revival like never before role playing however this same group has taken charismatic to a level that is terrifying me. They didn’t do during the mission trip but a Friday night group we do in the church in Spanish what they do is 80% fantastic I can even deal with the speaking in tongues but when they go and start crying laughing and making bizarre demon expulsion noises in front of the tabernacle on the altar it gives me a very very bad feeling I feel like Moses coming down from the mountain to see his flock worshiping the golden ram the screaming and dancing and laughing makes me feel I’ve stepped into the belly of hell this can’t be right to do in a holy place in front of the Holy Tabernacle it just sounds like mocking the Lord you have to real see it and feel it I wouldn’t feel that bad if the Priest supervises it but the American priests kind of tune out and they have this mission leader running the show I can only describe it’s like watching a pagan ritual of dancers circling a funeral pyre