I hope someone here can give me some guidance. Maybe because I have given to a number of causes, every day I receive solicitations for donations. There are so many worthy causes and I don’t know whether it’s better to give a smaller amount to more organizations or to ‘save up’ to give a larger amount to one organization. How to decide?
My parish comes first of course, then other Catholic charities (CRS, local CRS, Priests for Life etc). But there are so many organizations out there that need funds and I like most of us, have limited amounts to give. Then I feel guilty if I don’t donate to the latest cause—whether it’s starving children in Sudan or elderly folks who need Meals on Wheels or Mercy Corps. Yikes!
How do other CAF decide? Do you think it’s better to say give ten dollars to ten organizations or $100 to one? I do research and none of the organizations I donate to support abortion or other prodeath activities. But there are so many…help???
Lisa N
My parish comes first of course, then other Catholic charities (CRS, local CRS, Priests for Life etc). But there are so many organizations out there that need funds and I like most of us, have limited amounts to give. Then I feel guilty if I don’t donate to the latest cause—whether it’s starving children in Sudan or elderly folks who need Meals on Wheels or Mercy Corps. Yikes!
How do other CAF decide? Do you think it’s better to say give ten dollars to ten organizations or $100 to one? I do research and none of the organizations I donate to support abortion or other prodeath activities. But there are so many…help???
Lisa N