My name is Megan Dillon and I, personally, when i left Jason’s speach, felt so renewed and i felt like that man made a huge difference in my life. But really, now that i look back on it, i feel kind of brainwashed to be honest. i’ve heard no negetive thoughts on his speach in these forums and on the website (whether it’s the fact that you guys just don’t post them or whether there are none) but i’ve just “stepped back” as jason would say and looked at THIS from a different prospective. and i’ve seen that the catholic church (well mine anyways) is actually quite stuck up and strict. i believe that god is where you find him and if i don’t connect with the catholic church that is not necessarily wrong. Personally, i believe more in the Baptist faith and I am considering converting soon. I lived out the chaste life for about a year now and have found it quite rewarding, but on the other hand i do not believe 100% in the whole thing, so therefore, i honestly probably won’t live this lifestyle out for the rest of my life. that doesn’t mean i’m going to go have sex all the time and turn into a sinfull person. Jason makes it seem like if you have sex, your going to have a screwed up marriage, and live in a box, and be completely sinfull and broke and lonely and go 2 hell. i don’t believe that is right. i think Jason should look at it from other angles than just his own. i am a child of God and i am not going to go to hell for not living out a chaste lifestyle. i won’t have a messed up marriage or have an unrewarding life. i am not, by any circumstances looking down on those who are living this lifestyle, but Jason must realize that it isn’t for everybody. I have had sex one time, and i agree that it was a mistake by any definition, and i am waiting until i am sure of myself and maybe that could be when i’m married. i don’t really know. but however it all pans out, i’ll take things as they come and live my life as a growing, learning, human being. i think jason in way too condescending on those not living a chaste life. those are just my thoughts on this and i’m sure there are others who feel the same and some who disagree. i’m not saying i’m right and you’re wrong. i’m saying that these beliefs aren’t for everyone.