Do not reject intercourse in marriage because it is the reason God made marriage in the first place.
In marriage God is allowing humanity to share in his creative work. God’s creation is an act of divine Love. God wanted his sons and daughters to share in that creation, not just by receiving it, but in love, giving of themselves to each other and creating.
God created everything, love and marriage and even sex and He found his creation to be very good. God did not make sex “dirty”, humanity did.
Each and every act of intercourse between a married couple should be a sacramental act, an act that is open to life, done in love and self-giving. It is a sign of mutual trust and vulnerability. It is a sign of the mutual covenant between the husband, wife and God.
The world uses sex for mere physical self-pleasure. We are told not to be “hung up” about sex, then we are bombarded by ads and “pop ups” informing us that we need to be very concerned about our appearance and our level of performance. Woman’s magazines hit hard with headlines like, “Seven sensual secrets that will make him forget the other woman.” The bedroom (or the back seat) has become a place were we have to compete, a place where we are concerned about our partners’ pleasure only to the extent that a poor performance reflects negatively on us. In fact we are told we are not quite man (or woman) enough unless we are having sex.
The spirit of this world has come to us saying, “Did God really tell you not to have sex with anybody?” And in ignorance we have responded “Only if we don’t have any fun and create a baby or else we will die, or go blind” And the spirit of this world answers back “You will certainly not die! No. God knows well the moment you have sex your eyes will be open and you will be sophisticated adults knowing what is good and what is bad.”
Do not confuse the worldview of sex with God’s view of sex. If you are going to give up sex, give up sex as defined by the world.
As a married couple live your marriage as God intends.
Remember Paul’s advice. (1 Corinthians 7:3-5) “The husband should fulfil his duty toward his wife, and likewise the wife toward her husband. A wife does not have authority over her own body, but rather her husband, and similarly a husband does not have authority over his own body, but rather his wife. Do not deprive each other, except perhaps by mutual consent for a time, to be free for prayer, but then return to one another…”
God reserved the act of intercourse for marriage, and then only to be used in love. God makes things good. He makes them very good. If we know and obey God’s law in all things we will receive more pleasure and satisfaction than we can even imagine and in ways that we could never imagine.