Chastity Rocks

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I got the idea that we (parents) use some of our good old music that has endured to some degree, for good. We may correctly think that music was used by evil to badly influence children. Why not turn it around and let them be example case studies that illustrate the problems with a non-chaste lifestyle and attitude. This way we are using the rock to defend, rather than attack, morality, based on the assumption that knowing enemy tactics provides opportunity to develop immunizations against your weaknesses…

Temptations can come from the mind or the flesh among other things, and test the will to remain chaste. It is hard to assert one’s will if one is not used to being relatively passive around control freaks. Control freaks come in many forms, some disguised as friends If you can’t say no, for example, to a good “friend” pleading with you to “forget” to mention to your parents that there will be no adult supervision, then you ain’t seen nothing yet until you’ve struggled against sins of the flesh.

How does the flesh put up such a struggle? It drives the body toward behavior that is not godly. This is built in to every son of Adam to one degree or other. When does the flesh do this? Whenever it gets a chance. There are message transmitters and receivers we humans know nothing about that communicate naturally these temptations among couples, at many levels of consciousness.

How is Rock and Roll going to fix all this? Fortunately or not, many radio stations who play Rock genre play a mix of new and old, and a lot of teenagers listen to it.

For example, young people are just about as likely to know about Rush as they are Tool.

This gives us a two-edged sword. Although we may renounce the messages in lyrics of our youth, they provide valuable insights into how things can get from point A to point B when you let your secular, carnal mind get control over your spiritual will power. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

Without further ado, here is a modest example of what I am talking about. I created a playlist for my daughter, an honor student in Catholic high school, very knowledgeable about Church teachings and committed to chastity. If I try to tell her she’s playing with fire by allowing herself to be caught without supervision with her boyfriend (whose commitment level to chastity is questionable if for no other reason then that he is a teenage boy :whistle: ) then she will want to know how her seemingly innocent behavior can cause trouble.

This morning I thought to answer her by giving her a playlist of the following songs. I’ll invite other’s suggestions and cheerful or concerned critique.

The playlist (click for text version on web of lyrics with no commentary)

Harry Nilsson – Without You
*Nilsson described how dependent one person can be on another. This bond is flesh occurs according to natural law when unchaste acts are performed. It illustrates the grieving one suffers as a result of the temporal effects of sin, without regard to the spiritual effects.

Meatloaf – Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad
*Meatloaf comments on what it is like when a young man has become intimately attached to a woman before he has made a permanent commitment to her.

Meatloaf – Bat out of Hell
*The type of seesaw relationship that an uncommitted couple can have, especially when exacerbated by an unchaste physical involvement. Note that they can never let go, although they can never commit. They just live in a quandary, almost guaranteed to occur if this relationship represents the end of their chaste behavior. It’s worse if it’s the first for one and not the first for the other.

Meatloaf – Paradise by the Dashboard Lights
*Dudes teen and above: how many of us were right here at one time and either did or could have made the wrong turn? At least this kid honors his commitment.

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