Is cheating on a test or exam a grave matter for a mortal sin, also would it be another sin if you did not turn yourself in for cheating (by cheating I mean copying off of someone else)
That would be high school to us. We have Grammar school (kindergarten to 5th) Middle school 6th, 7th and 8th) and highschool.Well I’m in England and I’m in year 9, which means I’m 14. I don’t know what grade that is in America
Perhaps because you’re in highschool but I think you lack perspective on this one. Getting caught cheating in England (and in the US) can mean you are expelled from school or jeopardize being able to go to college/university. The type of cheating the OP indicates is far worse than just using your cell phone or other things because, if caught, that student is often held as as guilty as the cheater, even if they had no clue. Cheating on a Western Civ test and when getting caught means that you and the other, innocent person would both face consequences is a grave matter.If it was say, a medical exam test, in which if you passed without knowing the material, people could be hurt, that’s pretty grave matter.
But cheating on a Western Civ test and the like because you forgot to study? Certainly venial.