Ok, I have several problems here…
a) once a convicted sexual predator does his/her time they are free citizens again (though I understand all convicted persons lose their right to vote)…they have to live SOMEWHERE.
b) the concept of shooing away an ex-convict from my neighborhood seems to state - it’s ok for YOUR neighborhood, but not mine…go commit a crime on my friend in the next town, just stay away from me.
c) the call to forgive for Catholics does not stop just because we know who the past sinners are. It is very un-Christianlike, in my opinion, to brand people who have served their time and have possibly reformed.
d) the purpose of the list isn’t to get everyone riled up to run the person out of town…it’s so that we can become more aware or potential problems. It is a resource which helps the neighborhood watch aspect of a community work more effectively. We are called then to be more observant and if we see any behavior we recognize as being warning signals or in violation of the person’s probation then we are obliged to call the authorities.
e) There are many criminal activities already taking place in your neighborhood…you just don’t know about it.