Hello. I believe I have a calling to the priesthood, but I also have a sinful past that I believe could be disqualifying. There are certain things, such as a DUI I got when I was 19, which will obviously be asked about in the application and which I will obviously tell the truth about. But there are other things that specific questions are unlikely to be asked about. They would probably only be mentioned in the biographical section if at all. Two things in particular that could bring shame to the Church’s name if the women involved were to come forward at a later date are:
- When I was 17 I blew my top at a female friend of mine who I wanted to date. I called her a w**re, among various other abusive words. It has been many years, but it’s always possible she could make this public in a fit of vengeance before my ordination.
- When I was in college, I was briefly in a fraternity. At a party, I became quite drunk and started kissing a girl. She reciprocated. We went upstairs to a dark room. When she wouldn’t consent to sex with me, I slapped her. Then we got up and left. I know it’s ugly. In this case, I doubt she even knows who I am, and the incident happened in a different state.